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Ad Image Correction
3.2. Ad Image Correction
In order to help make images used in advertising more consistent and controllable, we've setup a process that uses automatic image correction software which the newsroom currently uses.
On the AdsReadyToPaginate volume is a folder named "!!!ImageProcessor!!!. Inside of it are several other folders. Specifically:
- Ads_Color_Average
- Ads_Color_Dark
- Ads_Color_Light
- Ads_Color_ALL
- Ads_Gray_Average
- Ads_Gray_Dark
- Ads_Gray_Light
- Ads_Gray_ALL
To use the image correction software, evaluate the photo you are working on. If it is going to print as color and seems to be an average color photo, put it in the Ads_Color_Average folder. If the image seems dark, place it into the Ads_Color_Dark folder or if it is light, the Ads_Color_Light folder. If you are unsure or want to test all corrections, place it into Ads_Color_All and it will process the image using all three of the color queues.
The process is the same for black and white photos.
After a minute or two, the finished images should appear in the Processed folder. To help identify the images they are flagged with identifying suffixes. Specifically:
- Ads_Color_Average _CA
- Ads_Color_Dark _CD
- Ads_Color_Light _CL
- Ads_Gray_Average _GA
- Ads_Gray_Dark _GD
- Ads_Gray_Light _GL
A few things to note:
- As far as the image adjustments are concerned, this is a work in progress. While some images corrections are done to newsroom images now, they are typically already very good quality. Advertising images may vary wildly, so these queues may not always work for every photo. We will just have to watch.
- RGB images will be automatically converted to CMYK when run through the color queues
- Color images will be automatically converted to grayscale when run through the gray queues.
- This process uses a custom interface program that moves the files from AdsReadyToPaginate to the newsroom server. This keeps us from exceeding seat licenses on the newsroom server and keeps design from having yet another volume on their desktops. While I have tested this application, pretty thoroughly their may be hickups. Please keep me informed of any problems.