Home → Known Issues → MaxWorkFlow → Distilling PDFs
Here is the process the Ad PDF process 1. Ads are printed to Max_Ads_PDF queue on the MaxWorkFlow. This process uses 3 modules - Max_Ads_PDF, Max_Ads_PDF_Q and Optimizer 22. Verify that none of these 3 modules are stopped or in error. 2. This Queue is designed to FTP the raw postscript files to Xserve1/AdsReadyToPaginate/!!!MaxPDFAds!!!/In/ 3. Acrobat Distiller should be running on FS1 (NOT XServe1) watches this folder along with several others. Specifically it is watching: /volume/AdsReadyToPaginate/!!!MaxPDFAds!!! NOTE: AdsReadyToPaginate must be mounted on FS1 for this to work 4. If a Red X is next to the Acrobat Distiller folder, this means the Watched folder has become corrupted and has to be deleted and recreated using the following steps: (a) Highlight the current watched folder and click the Remove Folder icon. (b) Click Add Folder and browse to /AdsReadyToPaginate/!!!MaxPDFAds!!! and click Open. (c) The folder should appear in the Watched Folders window as: /volume/AdsReadyToPaginate/!!!MaxPDFAds!!! (d) Highlight the folder and click the Load Settings icon. (e) Select "Press Quality-Brad" and click Load. (f) Click OK closing the Watched Folders window. 5. Verify that a program is running on FS1 named "Restart Distiller." It is located in the Dock and restarts Distiller every 15 minutes.