HomeMediaPlus AdvertisingAppendixAdvertising-Circulation Integration

6.1. Advertising-Circulation Integration

Advertising - Circulation Integration

    As of Monday 04/27/09, the advertising and circulation databases will be linked through an application entitled Household Management.  In practical terms, this translates to PBS Advertising users having access to all clients in the circulation database.  Furthermore, this integration enables classified salesreps to directly offer and start promotional subscriptions during the ad entry process.  Promo subscriptions and subscriber advertising discounts will be specific to, and determined by the individual profit sites.  
PBS Advertising users need to be aware that certain functions routinely employed during the ad entry process, will now exhibit new features.  These features are described below.

Integrated Search Results

1.    When looking up a client in the Search Engine, unless a specific match is found, a list of clients that match the search criteria will no longer appear at the bottom of the window.  Instead, a separate window entitled Integrated Search Results will appear, and display the search results.  Each entry will display a Source, which describes the origin of the client information.  If a client is entered in more than one database, their information will appear as multiple entries along with a corresponding Source.  The Source types are as follows:

•    MediaPlus – advertising client

•    Subscriber – circulation client with an active subscription

•    CM/HM – non-subscribing client in the circulation database

2.    For PBS Advertising system users, select the appropriate MediaPlus client and continue with the ad entry process.   However, if the client only appears as a Subscriber or CM/HM entry, they are not currently in the advertising database.  Instead of entering them as a new client, simply select one of these entries, and save it as a new client profile.

Subscriber Status

A button that describes the client’s subscriber status will be displayed at the upper right-hand corner of both the Client and Ad tabs in the Classified Ads module.  The possible statuses are as follows:

•    Subscriber – client has an active subscription

•    Multi-Subscriber – client has multiple active subscriptions

•    Resident Subscriber – client is not a subscriber, but another occupant at that address has a subscription

•    Former Subscriber – client previously had a subscription that is now stopped

•    Non-Subscriber – no occupant at the address is a subscriber

•    Not Integrated – client address has not been integrated with circulation

•    Unshared Client – the Share Address flag is unchecked for the client

•    Not Started – a start has been entered for the client, but the subscription has not yet started


Subscriber, Multi-subscriber, Resident Subscriber, and Former Subscriber

Clicking on the Subscriber Status button will open a window entitled Subscriptions, which will list all active and inactive subscriptions associated with the client profile information.  For example, if a former subscriber once resided at the currently selected client’s address, both the former subscriber’s and the current client’s subscription information will be displayed.


Non-Subscriber, Unshared Client, and Not Started

The Subscriber Status button is inactive for these categories.

Not Integrated Clients

1.    Click on the Not Integrated button.  A window entitled Postalsoft or Client Name will appear.  In the latter case, simply click OK to proceed to the Postalsoft window.  Parsing the name is optional, but should only be done for individuals, not businesses.

2.    Click on the OK button.  A window entitled Household Management Occupation Integration will appear, and offer four choices:

•    Use Selected Match – click this button to change the Advertising client name to the highlighted Circulation client

•    Update HM – click on this button to update the selected Circulation client record to the Advertising client’s name and telephone number

•    Create New in HM – click on this button to create a new Circulation client

•    Cancel

Starting a Promotional Subscription

If a profit site offers a promotional subscription to its classified advertisers, this information will appear in a window entitled Subscription Promo upon saving the ad, and after the ad proof is generated.  Currently, only clients having Non-Subscriber status are eligible.  The Promo Text will display sample verbiage for the classified salerep to use in making the offer, as well as the subscription terms.  The salesrep may then choose from the following options:

•    Click on the Process button – this will create the subscription start in the circulation system.

•    Click on the Busy button (currently not used) – if the salesrep does not have time to go through the subscription offer, this will create a circulation task.  Circulation may then call the client at a later time to offer the promo subscription.

•    Click on the Cancel button – no further action is taken in regards to the promo subscription offer.

Applying Classified Advertising Discounts for Subscribers

If a profit site offers a discount to classified advertisers that are also subscribers, indicated by the Subscriber Status in the Classified Advertising Client and Ad screens, use the following procedure to enter the discount.

1.    After composing the ad and calculating its price, click on the Ad | Price tab.

2.    Under the Add Surch./Disc. heading (lower-right corner of the screen), click on the button entitled Global.  A window entitled Add Surcharges / Discounts will appear.

3.    Select the Discounts option.

4.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Extra Type field, and select Subscriber Discount (SUBS).

5.    If your profit site offers a percentage discount, enter it in the Percentage field and click on the OK button.  If the discount is a flat amount, enter it in the Flat Fee field and click on the OK button.

Note: If a Non-Subscriber agrees to the promotional subscription offer, and the classified salesrep processes the start, the salesrep may then add the discount and resave the ad.  

Address Management

In the advertising-circulation integration environment, client information entered in the advertising database may be updated in circulation if the address is shared.  This function is accessible through the Classified, Display, and Accounts Receivable Client screen.  Click on the button entitled Address Mgmt, located in the Detail tab of the Client screen, and a window entitled Household Management will open.  By default, the Share Address and Cleanse Address options will be selected.

•    Share Address – enables the advertising system to share information with the circulation system.  Deselecting this option will disable this function, and result in the client’s Subscription Status to read Unshared Client.  This is generally not recommended.

•    Cleanse Address – enables Household Management to edit the client’s address so that it adheres to postal standards.  Do not deselect this option without permission from the circulation database manager.

•    Cleanse Later – do not select this option.

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