HomeMediaPlus Advertising Site Specific InformationMOKSClassified Ad Scheduling Guidelines

5.2. Classified Ad Scheduling Guidelines

CLASSIFIED LINE ADS (Classified Ads Module)

-    Nevada Daily Mail / Weekend Herald Tribune
1.    Under Publications, select NV01 and NV02
2.    Select Ad Type Liner (L)
3.    Select the insertion dates
4.    In the Class. field, select a classification
5.    Compose the ad in either the Ad | Order or Ad | Text tab

-    Fort Scott Tribune / Weekend Herald Tribune
1.    Under Publications, select NV02 and NV03
2.    Select Ad Type Liner (L)
3.    Select the insertion dates
4.    In the Class. field, select a classification
5.    Compose the ad in either the Ad | Order or Ad | Text tab

-    Nevada News / Fort Scott Countryside
1.    Under Publications, select NV04
2.    Select Ad Type Liner (L)
3.    Select the insertion date(s)
4.    In the Class. field, select a classification
5.    Compose the ad in either the Ad | Order or Ad | Text tab

YARD SALE ADS (Classified Ads Module)

-    Nevada Daily Mail, Fort Scott Tribune,  Weekend Herald Tribune

1.    Under Publications, make the appropriate selection(s)
2.    Select Ad Type Liner (L)
3.    In the Sp. Rate field, select YARD
4.    Select the insertion date(s)
5.    In the Class. field, select 1000
6.    In the Ad | Text tab Format field, select the applicable ad size
7.    Compose the ad in either the Ad | Order or Ad | Text tab

-    Nevada News / Fort Scott Countryside
1.    Under Publications, make the appropriate selection(s)
2.    Select Ad Type Liner (L)
3.    In the Sp. Rate field, select YARD
4.    Select the insertion date(s)
5.    In the Class. field, select 1000
6.    In the Ad | Text tab Format field, select the applicable ad size
7.    Compose the ad in either the Ad | Order or Ad | Text tab
8.    Click on the Options button, and select YARD SALE ITEMS FOR SALE
9.    In the Multiplier column, enter the number of items in the ad

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