HomeMediaPlus Advertising Site Specific InformationMOKSDisplay Ad Scheduling Guidelines

5.3. Display Ad Scheduling Guidelines

RETAIL DISPLAY (Display Ads Module)

-    Nevada Daily Mail (Tue-Fri)
     1.    Select Publication NV01
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select from the available options
     5.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     6.    Enter color information if required

-    The Fort Scott Tribune (Tue-Fri)
     1.    Select Publication NV03
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select from the available options
     5.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     6.    Enter color information if required

-    Weekend Herald Tribune (Saturday only)
     1.    Select Publication NV02
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select from the available options
     5.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     6.    Enter color information if required

-    Nevada Daily Mail & Weekend Herald Tribune (Tue-Sat)
     1.    Select Insert Order
     2.    Click on Pub. Selection and under Combos, select F01
     3.    Select the insertion dates for each publication
     4.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     5.    In the Section field, select from the available options
     6.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     7.    Enter color information if required

-    Fort Scott Tribune & Weekend Herald Tribune (Tue-Sat)
     1.    Select Insert Order
     2.    Click on Pub. Selection and under Combos, select  F02
     3.    Select the insertion dates for each publication
     4.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     5.    In the Section field, select from the available options
     6.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     7.    Enter color information if required

-    The Nevada News / Fort Scott Countryside (TMC)
     1.    Select Publication NV04
     2.    Select the insertion date(s), Wednesdays only
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select MAIN
     5.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     6.    Enter color information if required

-    Applying a Multi-Publication Discount ($0.50/pci)
     1.    Schedule the order according to the regular procedure
     2.    Under the Price heading in the Ad | Order tab, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Misc. 1 field.
     3.    Select Retail Ad Discount (RAD)
     4.    The discount will automatically be applied when the ad is saved

-    Business Builder Advertising (Nevada Daily Mail, Fort Scott Tribune, Weekend Herald Tribune)
     1.    Select Insert Order
     2.    Select the appropriate Combo (F01 or F02)
     3.    Select the insertion dates (entire month)
     4.    Select Ad Type Business Builder (BB)
     5.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     6.    In the Section field, select from the available options
     7.    Enter the Column and Height information
     8.    Enter color information if required

-    National Advertisers (Nevada Daily Mail, The Fort Scott Tribune, Weekend Herald Tribune)
     1.    Select the appropriate Publication or Combo
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    In the Product field, select NATL
     4.    In the Section field, select from the available options
     5.    Enter the Column and Height information
     6.    Enter color information if required

-    Agency Advertisers (Nevada Daily Mail, The Fort Scott Tribune, Weekend Herald Tribune)
     1.    Select appropriate Publication or Combo
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    Select Ad Type AGEN
     4.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     5.    In the Section field, select from the available options
     6.    Enter the Column and Height information
     7.    Enter color information if required

-    Church Page (Nevada Daily Mail, Fort Scott Tribune)
     1.    Select the appropriate Publication(s)
     2.    Select the insertion date(s), Fridays only
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select CHUP
     5.    Enter the Column and Height information
     6.    Enter color information if required

-    Senior Page (Nevada Daily Mail, Fort Scott Tribune)
     1.    Select the appropriate Publication(s)
     2.    Select the insertion date(s), Fridays only
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select SENR
     5.    Enter the Column and Height information
     6.    Enter color information if required

-    Community Calendar (Nevada Daily Mail, The Fort Scott Tribune, Weekend Herald Tribune)
     1.    Select the appropriate Publication or Combo
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select COMM
     5.    Enter the Column and Height information

-    Commemorative Ad  (Nevada Daily Mail, Fort Scott Tribune, Weekend Herald Tribune)
     1.    Select the appropriate Publication(s)
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select from the available options
     5.    In the Size field, select MOKS Commemorative Ad (COMM-MOKS)

-    Client-Based Pricing for Realtors, Auctioneers, and Churches
     (The Fort Scott Tribune, Weekend Herald Tribune)

     1.    Select the appropriate Publication or Combo
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    Select Ad Type Client Based Pricing (CBP)
     4.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     5.    In the Section field, select from the available options
     6.    Enter the Column and Height information
     7.    Enter color information if required

-    nevadadailymail.com
     1.    Select Publication NV05
     2.    Select one insertion date per scheduled month
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select MAIN
     5.    In the Size field, select either LEADER or RECTANGLE

-    FStribune.com
     1.    Select Publication NV06
     2.    Select one insertion date per scheduled month
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select MAIN
     5.    In the Size field, select either LEADER or RECTANGLE
-    At Your Service Business & Service Card Directory
     1.    Select Publication NV07
     2.    Select the insertion date
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select MAIN
     5.    In the Size field, select either BDCARD, BD1-2V, or BDFULL

-    Full Page Automotive Ad Special (The Nevada News / Fort Scott Countryside)
     1.    Select Publication NV04
     2.    Select 2 insertion dates per month, Wednesdays only
     3.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     4.    In the Section field, select MAIN
     5.    In the Size field, select AUTOFULL


-    Nevada Daily Mail (Tue-Fri)
     1.    Select Publication NV01
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    In the Product field, select CLDP
     4.    In the Section field, select CLAS
     5.    In the Class. field, select a classification
     6.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     7.    Enter color information if required

-    The Fort Scott Tribune (Tue-Fri)
     1.    Select Publication NV03
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    In the Product field, select CLDP
     4.    In the Section field, select CLAS
     5.    In the Class. field, select a classification
     6.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     7.    Enter color information if required

-    Weekend Herald Tribune (Saturday only)
     1.    Select Publication NV02
     2.    Select the insertion date(s), Saturdays only
     3.    In the Product field, select CLDP
     4.    In the Section field, select CLAS
     5.    In the Class. field, select a classification
     6.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     7.    Enter color information if required

-    Nevada Daily Mail & Weekend Herald Tribune (Tue-Sat)
     1.    Select Insert Order
     2.    Click on Pub. Selection and under Combos, select F01
     3.    Select the insertion dates for each publication
     4.    In the Product field, select CLDP
     5.    In the Section field, select CLAS
     6.    In the Class. field, select a classification
     7.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     8.    Enter color information if required

-    Fort Scott Tribune & Weekend Herald Tribune (Tue-Sat)
     1.    Select Insert Order
     2.    Click on Pub. Selection and under Combos, select F02
     3.    Select the insertion dates for each publication
     4.    In the Product field, select LOCL
     5.    In the Section field, select CLAS
     6.    In the Class. field, select a classification
     7.    Enter the Column and Height information, or select a Size if applicable
     8.    Enter color information if required

-    Business Builder (Nevada Daily Mail, The Fort Scott Tribune, Weekend Herald Tribune)
     1.    Select Insert Order
     2.    Select the appropriate Combo (F01 or F02)
     3.    Select the insertion dates (entire month)
     4.    Select Ad Type BB
     5.    In the Product field, select CLDP
     6.    In the Section field, select CLAS
     7.    In the Class. field, select a classification
     8.    Enter the Column and Height information
     9.    Enter color information if required

-    National Advertisers (Nevada Daily Mail, The Fort Scott Tribune, Weekend Herald Tribune)
     1.    Select the appropriate Publication or Combo
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    Select Ad Type NATL
     4.    In the Product field, select CLDP
     5.    In the Section field, select CLAS
     6.    In the Class. field, select a classification
     7.    Enter the Column and Height information
     8.    Enter color information if required

-    Agency Advertisers (The Nevada News, The Fort Scott Tribune, Weekend Herald Tribune)
     1.    Select the appropriate Publication or Combo
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    Select Ad Type AGEN
     4.    In the Product field, select CLDP
     5.    In the Section field, select CLAS
     6.    In the Class. field, select a classification
     7.    Enter the Column and Height information
     8.    Enter color information if required

-    Legal Advertising (The Nevada News, The Fort Scott Tribune, Weekend Herald Tribune)
     1.    Select the appropriate Publication or Combo
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    In the Product field, select LEGL
     4.    In the Section field, select CLAS
     5.    In the Class. field, select 0999
     6.    Enter the Column and Height information


-    Nevada Daily Mail, Weekend Herald Tribune, The Fort Scott Tribune, The Nevada News/Countryside
     1.    Select Publication NV01, NV02, NV03 or NV04
     2.    Select the insertion date(s)
     3.    In the Product field, select INSE
     4.    In the Section field, select Preprint – Tab (PPTB)
     5.    In the Size field, select from the available preprint sizes
     6.    Under the Price heading, enter the number of inserts in the Nb. Inserts field

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