Home → MediaPlus Advertising Site Specific Information → AreaWide Media → Contract Rate Ad Scheduling
-Â Â Â Contract Set-Up
    1.   Under Rate Method, select Contract Type
    2.   In the Contract Type field, select AWM Frequency Retail (AWMFQRT)
    3.   In the Period Id / Period fields, select the desired frequency (4, 13, 26, or 52 weeks)
    4.   In the Volume Id / Value fields, select the desired number of products (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 publications)
-Â Â Â Ad Scheduling
    1.   Select all applicable publications (AW01, AW02, AW04-AW06)
    2.   Select the insertion date(s)
    3.   In the Product field, select LOCL for each publication
    4.   In the Section field, select either ASEC or BSEC for AW01 and AW02, and MAIN for AW04-AW06
    5.   Enter the Column and Height information
    6.   Enter color information if required
    7.   Click on the Calculator icon. When prompted whether a contract should apply, click on the Yes button
-Â Â Â Contract Set-Up
    1.   Under Rate Method, select Contract Type
    2.   In the Contract Type field, select AWM Frequency Retail-FP (AWMFQRTFP)
    3.   In the Period Id / Period fields, select the desired frequency (4, 13, 26, or 52 weeks)
    4.   In the Volume Id / Value fields, select the desired number of products (1, 2, or 3 publications)
-Â Â Â Ad Scheduling
    1.   Select all applicable publications (AW04-AW06)
    2.   Select the insertion date(s)
    3.   In the Product field, select LOCL for each publication
    4.   In the Section field, select MAIN for each publication
    5.   Enter the Column and Height information
    6.   Enter color information if required
    7.   Click on the Calculator icon. When prompted whether a contract should apply, click on the Yes button
-Â Â Â Contract Set-Up
    1.   Under Rate Method, select Contract Type
    2.   In the Contract Type field, select AWM Bulk Retail (AWMBULK)
    3.   In the Period Id / Period fields, select ANNUAL
    4.   In the Volume Id / Value fields, select the desired linage (200, 300, 500, or 1000 inches)
-Â Â Â Ad Scheduling
    1.   Select all applicable publications (AW01, AW02, AW04-AW06)
    2.   Select the insertion date(s)
    3.   In the Ad Type field, select the number of products (1IS, 2IS, 3IS, 4IS, or 5IS)
    4.   In the Product field, select LOCL for each publication
    5.   In the Section field, select either ASEC or BSEC for AW01, AW02, and MAIN for AW04-AW06
    6.   Enter the Column and Height information
    7.   Enter color information if required
    8.   Click on the Calculator icon. When prompted whether a contract should apply, click on the Yes button
-Â Â Â Contract Set-Up
    1.   Under Rate Method, select Contract Type
    2.   In the Contract Type field, select AWM Marketplace (AWMMARK)
    3.   In the Period Id / Period fields, select ANNUAL
    4.   In the Volume Id / Value fields, select the desired linage (1000, 2000, or 3000)
-Â Â Â Ad Scheduling
    1.   Under Combos, select Area Wide Media Marketplace Combo (N01)
    2.   Select the insertion date(s) for each publication
    3.   In the Product field, select CLDP
    4.   In the Section field, select MARK
    5.   In the Class. field, select a classification
    6.   Enter the Column and Height information
    7.   Enter color information if required
    8.   Click on the Calculator icon. When prompted whether a contract should apply, click on the Yes button
-Â Â Â Contract Set-Up
    1.   Under Rate Method, select Contract Type
    2.   In the Contract Type field, select AWM B&P Directory (AWMBPDIR)
    3.   In the Period Id / Period fields, select the desired frequency (6, 13, 26, or 52 weeks)
    4.   In the Volume Id / Value fields, select 99999
-Â Â Â Ad Scheduling
    1.   Under Combos, select Area Wide Media Marketplace Combo (N01)
    2.   Select the insertion dates for each publication
    3.   In the Product field, select CLDP
    4.   In the Section field, select BDIR
    5.   In the Class. field, select a classification
    6.   Enter the ad dimensions and any color information
    7.   Click on the Calculator icon. When prompted whether a contract should apply, click on the Yes button
-Â Â Â Contract Set-Up
    1.   Under Rate Method, select Contract Type
    2.   In the Contract Type field, select AWM Real Estate Guide (AWMREAL)
    3.   In the Period Id / Period fields, select 4 weeks
    4.   In the Volume Id / Value fields, select 99999
-Â Â Â Ad Scheduling
    1.   Under Combos, select Area Wide Media Marketplace Combo (N01)
    2.   Select the insertion dates for each publication
    3.   In the Product field, select CLDP
    4.   In the Section field, select REAL
    5.   In the Class. field, select a real estate classification
    6.   Enter the ad dimensions
    7.   Click on the Calculator icon. When prompted whether a contract should apply, click on the Yes button