HomeMediaPlus AdvertisingClassified Ad EntryEmailing Ad Proofs

2.7. Emailing Ad Proofs

1.    To email a proof of an ad, ensure that the client’s email address has been entered in the E-Mail field in the Client | Profile tab.

2.    Upon saving an ad, a window entitled Correspondence for Proofs will appear.

3.    Under the Mode heading, select the Email option.  If you wish to include any additional information in the email, enter it in the Message area.  This will appear as the email text, whereas the proof will be an attachment.

4.    Click on the OK button.

5.    To email multiple versions of the ad for comparison, use the Proof Mode.  To do this, first save the original version of the ad by clicking on the Save icon.

6.    Click on the Proof Mode button, located above the subtabs.

7.    Make changes to the ad, and save the new version by clicking on the Save icon.  Note: this will not schedule another version of the ad.

8.    Click on the Ad | Proof tab.  Select the proof versions to be sent by checking the appropriate boxes under the Send column.  If the original version of the ad is also to be sent, ensure that the Include Current Order in Proof box is checked.

9.    Click on the Send button.  The Correspondence for Proofs window will automatically appear.

10.    Follow the previous instructions to email the proofs.

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