Home → MediaPlus Advertising → Classified Ad Entry → Ad Payment
1. Entering payment for a classified ad is done through a window entitled Ad Payment, which is arrived at by one of two ways:
• Upon saving the classified ad, if the client is not authorized for billing, a window entitled Payment will appear. To proceed with entering the payment, ensure that the Pay now option is selected, and then click on the OK button.
• Locate the saved ad in the Classified Advertising module, and click on the Pmt button in any of the Ad tab subtabs.
2. In the Ad Payment window, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Payment Mode field. Select the method of payment, and then click on the OK button.
3. If the selected payment mode is by credit card, and this information has been previously saved, it will automatically appear under the Credit Card heading, and you may skip the next step. Otherwise, a window entitled Credit Card will appear.
4. Enter the credit card information in the available fields, and then click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key. This will return you to the Ad Payment window, and the credit card information will now appear under the Credit Card heading.
5. Additional payment information, such as a check number, may be entered in the Reference or Notes fields.
6. To pay the full amount of the ad, click on the OK button to apply the payment. To make a partial payment, double-click on the invoice. A window entitled Payment will appear, and the partial payment amount may be entered in the Payment Amount field. Then click on the OK button.
7. In the Ad Payment window, click on the OK button. The remaining balance owed will be shown in the Balance field of the Ad | Order and Ad | Price subtabs. If the ad has been paid in full, this amount will be zero.