Home → MediaPlus Advertising → Accessing MediaPlus Advertising → Accessing Client Invoice History
1. From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Client Invoice History.
2. In the Searching field, enter the information that pertains to the client you are attempting to locate.
3. Under the Criteria heading, select the type of information you are using to locate the client of interest.
4. Click on the Find button, or strike the <Enter> key.
5. If your search criteria apply to multiple clients, a window entitled Search Result will appear. Select the client of interest from the list by double-clicking on the entry. A window entitled Client Invoice History will appear.
6. Under the Balance heading, the Billed field displays the billed amount for the selected invoice. Invoices are listed in the second-from-the-bottom section of the screen. Payments are displayed in the bottom section. If an invoice has been paid (i.e. the highlighted invoice has a corresponding entry in the payment section), then the billed amount will appear as 0.00.
7. Clicking on the Detail button will result in the appearance of a window entitled Client Balance, where billed, exposure, and prepayment amounts may be viewed and filtered.
8. The invoice history may be filtered by checking or unchecking the various options, or entering specific criteria in the available fields displayed in the top half of the Client Invoice History window.
9. To view the ad or order that corresponds to the selected invoice, click on the Ad button. This will open the Display/Ads module. See further instructions in the PBS Ad and Client Entry Procedures Knowledge Book.
10. To access the Payment module directly, click on the Pmt button. See further instructions at Entering Prepayments and Entering Payment on an Invoice.
11. To access the Credit Application module directly, click on the Cr App. Button. See further instructions at Credit Application.
12. To view any invoice disputes, click on the Dispute button.
13. To view the client’s stored credit card information, click on the Visa icon.
14. To access the Invoice Update module directly, click on the Inv. button. See further instruction at Modifying Invoices.
15. To access the Non-Sufficient Funds module directly, click on the NSF button.
16. To access the Statement module directly, click on the Stat. button. See further instructions at Generating Statements.
17. To access the Aging List module directly, click on the Aging button. See further instructions at Aging Reports.