Home → MediaPlus Advertising Accounting → End of Month Procedures → Automatic Credit Application (EOM)
1. From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Reports | Aging List.
2. In the Selection | Aging subtab, enter the last day of the month in the As of Date field, or click on the Calendar icon to make a selection.
3. Uncheck the All box adjacent to the A/R Account field, and click on the Search icon. Select the A/R account that applies to you location, and click on the OK button.
4. Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the Search icon. Select the profit center(s) that apply to your location, and click on the OK button.
5. Click on the Print & Misc. subtab. Under the Client Selection heading, ensure that all the Balance options are checked.
6. Check the For credit application only box.
7. Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys. Print the generated report.
8. From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Automatic Credit Application.
9. Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Client field in the Selection tab. From the previously generated Aging List, enter the Client Id numbers in this field, separated by spaces
10. Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the Search icon. Select from the drop-down menu the profit center(s) that apply to your location.
11. Under Other Selection Criteria, in the Credit Application Date field, enter the last date of the month, or click on the Calendar icon and make a selection.
12. Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.