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MediaPlus Advertising Accounting

This Knowledge Book contains basic, step-by-step instructions for accounting operations performed in the PBS system. It is intended primarily for new users.

1. Accessing PBS

1.1. Logon & Navigation

PBS System Logon

1.    Connect to the terminal server by double-clicking the Remote Desktop Connection icon.

2.    Double-click the Advertising icon.  A window entitled DTI – Logon will appear.

3.    In the User Code field, enter your pre-assigned user name.  This will generally be the first letter of your first name, followed by the first four or five letters of your last name.

4.    In the Password field, enter either your personalized, or default password.  The default password is your first and last name initials, followed by “2007” (e.g. Bob Smith would be BS2007).  Submit a request through OTIS if you wish to set up a personalized password.

5.    Ensure that the entry in the Server field is MPP2K301.  If not, click on the adjacent down-arrow and select it from the drop-down menu.

6.    Ensure that the entry in the Database field is ADVERTISING.  If not, click on the adjacent down-arrow and select it from the drop-down menu.

7.    The Security Group field will have a pre-assigned entry.  Click on the Logon button, and a window entitled Change Profit Site will appear.
8.    Under the Mode heading, ensure that the Single Profit Site option is selected and that the Profit Site field displays the appropriate location.  Then click on the OK button.

PBS System Navigation

1.    Upon accessing the Advertising application, a window entitled DTI MediaPlus will appear on your screen.  Below the window caption will be 5 menu headings: Software, Functions, Configuration, Utilities, Help, and Quit.

2.    Clicking on a heading will result in the appearance of a drop-down option menu.  The procedures described in the Knowledge Books will guide you through the various options available through these menus.  In general, you will only use the Software, Functions, and Quit option menus.  Furthermore, you may only have access to certain options based on your user group security restrictions.

3.    Within each option, you may enter information into blank fields by either clicking on the field, or tabbing to it from a previous field.  You will also find that a standard set of icons are used throughout the applications.  See the attached document to view these icons.

4.    To exit the application, click on the Quit menu.  Then, click on the Start menu, located at the lower left-hand corner of the screen, and select the Log Off option to disconnect from the terminal server.  Do Not disconnect from the server by clicking on the “X” icon at the top of the screen.  This will not disconnect you, and you will be unable to re-access the application without technical support.

1.2. Accessing Client Information

1.    From the Software menu, select either Classified Advertising | Clients, Display Advertising | Clients, or Accounts Receivable | Clients.

2.    In the Searching field, enter the information that pertains to the client you are attempting to locate.

3.    Under the Criteria heading, select the type of information you are using to locate the client of interest.

4.    Click on the Find button, or strike the <Enter> key.

5.    If your search criteria apply to multiple clients, a window entitled Search Result will appear.  Select the client of interest from the list by double-clicking on the entry.  A window entitled Clients will appear.

6.    The Client | Detail tab will display the customer information, including their balance due.  Currently, the iBuild and iServices tabs are not used.  The Credit tab displays the client’s current credit terms and status, and the Contact tab displays the information that will appear on any statements or invoices.  The Log tab displays changes that have occurred in the client’s information or credit.

1.3. Accessing Client Invoice History

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Client Invoice History.

2.    In the Searching field, enter the information that pertains to the client you are attempting to locate.

3.    Under the Criteria heading, select the type of information you are using to locate the client of interest.

4.    Click on the Find button, or strike the <Enter> key.

5.    If your search criteria apply to multiple clients, a window entitled Search Result will appear.  Select the client of interest from the list by double-clicking on the entry.  A window entitled Client Invoice History will appear.

6.    Under the Balance heading, the Billed field displays the billed amount for the selected invoice.  Invoices are listed in the second-from-the-bottom section of the screen.  Payments are displayed in the bottom section.  If an invoice has been paid (i.e. the highlighted invoice has a corresponding entry in the payment section), then the billed amount will appear as 0.00.

7.    Clicking on the Detail button will result in the appearance of a window entitled Client Balance, where billed, exposure, and prepayment amounts may be viewed and filtered.

8.    The invoice history may be filtered by checking or unchecking the various options, or entering specific criteria in the available fields displayed in the top half of the Client Invoice History window.

9.    To view the ad or order that corresponds to the selected invoice, click on the Ad button.  This will open the Display/Ads module.  See further instructions in the PBS Ad and Client Entry Procedures Knowledge Book.

10.    To access the Payment module directly, click on the Pmt button.  See further instructions at Entering Prepayments and Entering Payment on an Invoice.

11.    To access the Credit Application module directly, click on the Cr App.  Button.  See further instructions at Credit Application.

12.    To view any invoice disputes, click on the Dispute button.

13.    To view the client’s stored credit card information, click on the Visa icon.

14.    To access the Invoice Update module directly, click on the Inv. button.  See further instruction at Modifying Invoices.

15.    To access the Non-Sufficient Funds module directly, click on the NSF button.

16.    To access the Statement module directly, click on the Stat. button.  See further instructions at Generating Statements.

17.    To access the Aging List module directly, click on the Aging button.  See further instructions at Aging Reports.

2. Payments

2.1. Deposit and Payment Batch Set-Up

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Payments.

2.    In the Payment Batch window, click on the New Deposit button.  A window entitled Deposit and Batch will appear.

3.    The Profit Site and Company fields should automatically display the information specific to your site.  If not, click on the Search icon adjacent to the blank fields, and make the appropriate selections.

4.    Enter a deposit number in the Deposit No. field.  The deposit number format is YYYYMMDD, which corresponds to the year, month, and day of the deposit.  Additional deposits are distinguished by adding a letter to the end of the format.  For example, a deposit dated 03/10/2008, will be designated the number 20080310.  If an additional deposit is set up for classified advertising revenue, the designation will be 20080310C.

5.    The Date field will automatically display that day’s date.  If the deposit is for a subsequent day, change the date accordingly.  Leave the other fields empty, and click on the Save icon.  Answer “no” when prompted whether a payment batch should be created automatically, unless you are familiar with editing batch information.

6.    To add a batch to an existing deposit, begin by clicking on the New Batch icon in the Payment Batch window, and select the deposit to which the batch will be added.  Otherwise, click on the Batch tab after you have saved the deposit information, and click on the Insert icon.

7.    The Profit Site, Deposit No., and Company fields will default from the deposit information, and a Batch No. will automatically be assigned upon saving the batch.  Enter a batch description that includes the day and deposit number in the Description field.  For example; Accounting Tues (20080310).
8.    If a security group is restricted to using only a specific batch, then that group’s access must be enabled by an entry in the Security Restriction field.  Click on the Search icon adjacent to the blank field, and select the security group that will have access to the batch (e.g. CLASSIFIED). Otherwise, leave this field blank.

9.    Ensure that all three Invoice Type Displayed boxes are checked, and click on the Save icon.

2.2. Modifying Deposit and Batch Information

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Payments.

2.    In the Payment Batch window, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Batch No. field, and select the batch to be modified, or a batch belonging to a deposit to be modified.

3.    Click on the Update button.  A window entitled Deposit and Batch will appear.

4.    Make the required changes to a deposit in the Deposit tab, then click on the Save icon.

5.    To make changes to a batch, select the corresponding deposit, then click on the Batch tab, and select the batch to be modified.  Or, under the Grid caption, check the Show Batch box, and select the batch to be modified from the list provided at the bottom of the window.

6.    After making the required changes to the batch information, click on the Save icon.

7.    If a deposit remains open, a closed payment batch may be re-opened for payment entry.  To do so, select the corresponding deposit, then check the All option under the Filter heading in the Batch tab.

8.    Select the  batch to be re-opened, then click on the Re-open button that appears to the right of the Closed legend.

2.3. Closing Payment Batches and Deposits

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Payments.

2.    In the Payment Batch window, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Batch No. field, and select the batch to be closed.

3.    Click the OK button in the Batch Selection tab.

4.    Click on the Close Batch icon, located at the top center of the Payments | Invoices window.  The icon appears as a single sheet of paper with lines on it, and a bent upper right-hand corner.

5.    Click the Yes button when the confirmation prompt appears on the screen.  Once the batch is closed, payments can no longer be entered for it unless it is re-opened (see Modifying Deposit and Batch Information).

6.    Once all the batches of a deposit have been entered, the deposit can be closed.  To do this, click on the Close Deposit icon, located next to the Close Batch icon.  The icon appears as stacked sheets of paper with lines on the top page, and a bent upper right-hand corner.  
Note:  Closing the deposit will automatically close any open batches assigned to it.

7.    Click the Yes button when the confirmation prompt appears on the screen.

8.    If the deposit amount does not match all the payment amounts entered for all the batches, a second confirmation prompt will appear.  The deposit may still be closed by clicking on the Yes button.

9.    The close deposit and close batch operations may be similarly performed in the respective Deposit and Batch tabs of the Deposit and Batch window.

2.4. Entering Prepayments

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Payments.

2.    In the Payment Batch window that appears, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Batch No. field, and select the batch to which the prepayment will be assigned.  Click the OK button.

3.    Click on the Pre-Payments button, located at the top right-center of the Payments | Invoices window.

4.    Under the Selection heading, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Mode field, and select the mode of payment.

5.    If known, enter the customer’s account number in the Client Id field, or click on the adjacent Search icon to locate this number using the Client Search Engine.

6.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Ad# field, and select the ad to which the payment is being applied.  If the prepayment is to be applied to an order, select the Order option under the Pre-Payment Mode heading, located at the top center of the window.  Then, enter the order number in the Order# field, or click on the Search icon and select the order to which the prepayment is being applied.

7.    The Profit Center and A/R Sales fields will automatically display the appropriate information based on the ad, or order number entry.  The A/R Sales field entry is the default based on the profit center, but may be changed by clicking on the adjacent Search icon, and making a selection from the drop-down menu.  Note: this is the account that will be credited with the payment.

8.    If the payment is by check, enter the check number in the Doc. No. field.  If the payment is by credit card, the Card No. field may display predefined credit card information.  If blank, click on the adjacent Search icon, and enter information in the Credit Card window that appears.  Then click the Save icon.

9.    For credit card payments, enter the transaction authorization number in the Auth# field (i.e. obtained through IC Verify).

10.    Enter any additional, relevant information in the Note field.

11.    Click on the Save icon, then click the OK button in the Salesperson Selection window that appears.


2.5. Entering Payment on an Invoice

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Payments.

2.    If a payment batch has not already been specified, a Payment Batch window will appear.  Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Batch No. field, and select the batch to which the payment will be assigned.  Then, click the OK button.

3.    Under the Selection heading, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Mode field, and select the mode of payment.

4.    If known, enter the customer’s account number in the Client Id field, or click on the adjacent Search icon to locate this number using the Client Search Engine.

5.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Invoice# field, and select the invoice to which the payment is being applied.  This field may be left blank temporarily, and the invoice(s) to be paid selected later.

6.    If the payment is by check, enter the check number in the Doc. No. field.  If the payment is by credit card, the Card No. field may display predefined credit card information.  If blank, click on the adjacent Search, and enter information in the Credit Card window that appears.  Then click the Save icon.

7.    For credit card payments, enter the transaction authorization number in the Auth# field (i.e. obtained through IC Verify).

8.    If no invoice has been specified, click on the Select Invoices button to display the client’s unpaid invoices.

9.    Select the invoice(s) to which the payment is to be applied, and then click on the Apply button.  Or, click on the Select All button to apply the payment to the oldest invoice(s) first, until the entire payment is accounted for.  Note: If a payment amount matches an invoice amount, a prompt will appear that asks if the payment should be applied to that invoice.  Clicking Yes will enter, and save the payment.

10.    Click on the Save icon to save the payment.

2.6. Credit Application

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Credit Application.

2.    In the Client field, enter the Client Number of the account to which the credit is to be applied.  If you do not know this number, click on the Search icon adjacent to the blank field, and use the Search Engine to locate the Client of interest.

3.    If required, type a brief explanation of the reason(s) for the Credit Application in the Comments field.  Adjust the date in the Apply Date field as necessary.

4.    Highlight the credit to be applied in the Credit column.

5.    If the credit is to be applied to a different account, enter this number in the Client field under the Invoice column, or click on the Search icon adjacent to this field to locate this Client of interest.

6.    Highlight the invoice in the Invoice column that the credit is to be applied to.  If a specific amount of the credit is to be applied, enter this in the Amount field.

7.    Click on the Apply button, then the Save icon.  Answer Yes to any question boxes that pop up.

3. Invoices

3.1. Closing a Publishing Day

1.    From the Software menu, select Display Advertising | Close Issue.

2.    Deselect the All checkbox under the Publication heading, and click on the Search icon in the adjacent blank field to select the publication(s) you wish to close.  Although you may select any combination of publications in the Selection window, it is recommended that you close only one publication at a time to avoid closing an issue erroneously.

3.    In the Close Until Date field, enter the date of the issue to be closed, or select it by clicking on the Calendar icon.

4.    Select Close Issue under the Mode heading.  Note: you may also reopen publication dates by following the same procedure and selecting the Open Issue option.

5.    Under the Systems heading, ensure that both the Classified and Display options are selected.

6.    Click on the Start Process icon at the upper left-hand corner of the window.  A second window will open to confirm that the selected issues are to be closed, or opened.

7.    If there are any outstanding, unpublished ads that prevent you from closing the selected issue, the system will report those Ad numbers.  Otherwise, a confirmation message will be displayed in the Process Result field.

3.2. Using Saved Sets

Certain reports and functions have many fields, and options, which typically have the same settings each time they are run.  In this situation, it is usually easier to save these settings, and make minor adjustments as required.

Setting Up a Saved Set

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Reports, and choose the report or function for which you wish to create the saved set.  Note: Saved sets may also be created for other menu options, such as production functions; the procedure is the same.

2.    Follow the Knowledge Book instructions which pertain to the report or function to be saved (i.e. enter information into the fields and select the appropriate options).

3.    Click on the Save Request icon, or strike the <Alt + F8> keys.  A window entitled Save Request will appear.

4.    In the Description field, enter the name of your saved set (e.g. Delta North Monthly Aging Report).

5.    If other users are to have access to this saved set, check the box entitled Public.  Otherwise, only you will have access to this saved set.

6.    Click on the OK button to save the settings.

Accessing a Saved Set

1.    Select the report or function as you normally would.

2.    Click on the Load Request icon, or strike the <Alt + F7> keys.  A window entitled Load Request will appear.

3.    Select the Request Type (generally Public), and choose the saved set you wish to run.

4.    Make any necessary modifications to the set, such as changing the date, and run the request as you normally would.

5.    Changes to the set may be saved by clicking  on the Save Request icon, or striking the <Alt + F8> keys, clicking on the Edit button, and then clicking on the OK button.

3.3. Daily Invoicing

Classified Invoicing

1.    Prior to performing the daily billing, ensure that the issue date to be billed has been closed.  See Closing a Publishing Day for instructions on how to do this.

2.    From the Software menu, select Classified Advertising | Billing.

3.    In the Selection tab, check the Billing option under Mode, and under the Select caption, check the Credits and Paid Invoices options.

4.    In the Billing subtab, enter the billing date in the Until field, or select this date by clicking on the Calendar icon.  Note: Pay careful attention to the date you select.  Once the billing function has been run, it cannot be undone.

5.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the A/R Account field, and click on the adjacent Search icon.  Select the G/L account(s) that correspond to your location.

6.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the adjacent Search icon.  Select the profit center(s) that correspond to your location.

7.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

Display Invoicing

1.         Prior to performing the daily billing, ensure that the issue date to be billed has been closed.  See Closing a Publishing Day for instructions on how to do this.

2.    From the Software menu, select Display Advertising | Billing.

3.    In the Selection tab, check the Billing option under Mode, and under Ads to Bill, check the Single Pub. option.  Under the Archive heading, check None, check All under the What to Bill heading, and select Credits and Paid Invoices under the Invoices Printed heading.

4.    In the Miscellaneous subtab, ensure that only the Print Invoices and Optimize boxes are checked.  Under the Export to File heading, select the Summary option.  In the Date of Billing field, enter the billing date, or select this date by clicking on the Calendar icon. Note: Pay careful attention to the date you select.  Once the billing function has been run, it cannot be undone.

5.    In the Billing subtab, uncheck the All box adjacent to the Publication field, and click on the Search icon.  Select only the publications, specific to your location, that you wish to invoice.

6.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Issue Date/Contract Adjustment Date field, and enter the same billing date that was entered in the Date of Billing field, or select this date by clicking on the Calendar icon.  Note: Pay careful attention to the date you select.  Once the billing function has been run, it cannot be undone.

7.    Ensure that the All boxes adjacent to the Order#, Client, Agency, Ad#, Supplement, Section, and Product fields are checked.

8.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the adjacent Search icon.  Select the profit center(s) that correspond to your location.

9.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

3.4. Modifying Invoices

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Invoice Update.

2.    In the Search Engine window, enter the invoice number in the Searching field, and check the Invoice Number option, located under the Invoice heading.  Then hit <Enter>, or click on the Find button.

3.    If you do not know the number of the invoice to be modified, select the Criteria for your search, and enter the relevant information in the Searching field.  Then hit <Enter>, or click on the Find button.  A list of the client’s invoices will appear at the bottom of the window.  Click on the invoice to be modified.

4.    In the Invoices tab, information in the following fields may be changed:
    •  Comments
    •  Terms of Payment
    •  Deadline
    •  Discount

5.    In the Transactions tab, information in the following fields may be changed:
    •  Doc. No.
    •  Reference Numbers
    •  Comment

6.    For Order invoices, information in the following, Order Item tab fields may be changed:
    •  Description
    •  Notes
    •  Quantity
    •  Price

7.    To change invoice amounts, or GL accounts, a reversal transaction must be performed.  See Reversing a Transaction.
8.    Click on the Save icon to save the modifications.

3.5. Printing a Single Invoice

Classified / Ads Module

1.    From the Functions menu, select Classified/Ads.  A window entitled Payment Batch will appear.

2.    Click on the Search icon and select the day’s payment batch, and then click OK.  A window entitled Search Engine will appear.

3.    In the Search Engine window, click on the Invoice tab, and make an entry in the Invoice Number field, and then hit <Enter>.  Otherwise, search for the invoice by entering an ad number, or client information in the appropriate fields.

4.    There are multiple ways to print an invoice in this module:

    •    In the Client │History tab, select the invoice to be printed, and then click on the Print button in the upper         right-hand corner of the screen.  After the pdf image of the invoice appears, click on the Printer icon in the upper     left-hand corner of the window.

    •    In the Client │Profile tab, under the Ads heading, click on the ad for which the invoice is to be printed.  From     the Special menu, select Print Invoice, or use the <Alt+F2> keys.  After the pdf image of the invoice appears,             click on the Printer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window.

    •    Under the Ad tabs, select Print Invoice from the Special menu, or use the <Alt+F2> keys.  After the pdf             image of the invoice appears, click on the Printer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window.

Display  / Ads Module

1.    From the Functions menu, select Display/Ads.

2.    Click on the Search icon, and select the day’s payment batch, and then click OK.  A window entitled Search Engine will appear.

3.    In the Search Engine window, click on the Invoice tab, and make an entry in the Invoice Number field, then hit <Enter>.  Otherwise, search for the invoice by entering an ad number, or client information in the appropriate fields.

4.    In the Client │Invoice tab, select the invoice to be printed, and then click on the Print button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.  After the pdf image of the invoice appears, click on the Printer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window.

Accounts Receivable Module

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable │ Client Invoice History.

2.    In the Search Engine window, enter an invoice number, or client information, and then hit <Enter>, or click on the Find button.

3.    In the History tab, select the invoice to be printed, and then click on the Print button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.  After the pdf image of the invoice appears, click on the Printer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window.

3.6. Reversing a Transaction

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Invoice Update.  A window entitled Search Engine will appear.

2.    In the Search Engine window, enter the invoice number of the transaction you wish to reverse in the Searching field, and check the Invoice Number option, located under the Invoice heading.  Then hit <Enter>, or click on the Find button.

3.    If you do not know the number of the invoice to be modified, select the Criteria for your search, and enter the relevant information in the Searching field.  Then hit <Enter>, or click on the Find button.  A list of the client’s invoices will appear at the bottom of the window.  Click on the invoice to be modified.

4.    Click on the Transactions tab, and from the list located at the bottom left of the window, select the transaction you wish to reverse.

5.    Click on the Reverse button.  A window entitled Invertion Confirmation will appear.  It will display the default transaction reversal code, and the current date.  These entries may be modified if necessary.  If correct, click on the OK button.

6.    Click on the Save icon.  The original transaction will remain, but an additional transaction for the opposite amount will now appear.

7.    If necessary, insert a new transaction for the correct amount.  To do this, see Adding Transactions to an Invoice.

3.7. Adding Transactions to an Invoice

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Invoice Update.  A window entitled Search Engine will appear.

2.    In the Search Engine window, enter the invoice number in the Searching field, and check the Invoice Number option, located under the Invoice heading.  Then hit <Enter>, or click on the Find button.

3.    If you do not know the number of the invoice to be modified, select the Criteria for your search, and enter the relevant information in the Searching field.  Then hit <Enter>, or click on the Find button.  A list of the client’s invoices will appear at the bottom of the window.  Click on the invoice to be modified.

4.    Click on the Transactions tab, and then click on the Insert icon.

5.    Under the Transaction Identification heading, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Transaction Code field, and make an appropriate selection from the drop-down menu.

6.    Enter the amount of the transaction in the Amount field.  Enter the date of the transaction in the Date field, or leave it set to the current day’s date.

7.    Click on the Add button under the G/L Transactions heading.

8.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the G/L Account field, and select the appropriate, offsetting G/L account from the drop-down menu.  

9.    Enter the amount in the Amount field, and click on the Save icon.  If the amount entered does not equal that entered under the Transaction Identification heading, additional revenue account entries may be made until the credits and debits balance.  When complete, click on the Finished button.

10.    Click on the Save icon in the Transactions tab.

3.8. Adding a Manual Invoice

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Invoice Update.  A window entitled Search Engine will appear.

2.    In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are adding a manual invoice, and then press <Enter>, or click on the Find button.
3.    Click on the Insert icon in the Invoice tab.

4.    Enter any relevant comments in the Comments field, and notes that should appear on the invoice in the Invoice Note field.

5.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Profit Center field, and make an appropriate selection from the drop-down menu based on your location.

6.    The Account Receivable field should display a default entry based on the profit center selected, but may be modified by clicking on the adjacent Search icon, and making an alternate selection.

7.    If applicable, enter a purchase order number in the PO# field.

8.    Enter a date in the Order Date field, or leave it set to the current day’s date.

9.    Enter the salesrep who will receive credit for the order by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the Salesrep/Comm.% field, and making an appropriate selection.

10.    Click on the Save icon.

11.    Click on the Transactions tab, and then click on the Insert icon.

12.    Under the Transaction Identification heading, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Transaction Code field, and make an appropriate selection from the drop-down menu.

13.    Enter the amount of the transaction in the Amount field.  Enter the date of the transaction in the Date field, or leave it set to the current day’s date.

14.    Click on the Add button under the G/L Transactions heading.

15.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the G/L Account field, and select the appropriate, offsetting G/L account from the drop-down menu.  

16.    Enter the amount in the Amount field, and click on the Save icon.  If the amount entered does not equal that entered under the Transaction Identification heading, additional revenue account entries may be made until the credits and debits balance.  When complete, click on the Finished button.

17.    Click on the Save icon in the Transactions tab.

3.9. Entering Credit Memos

1.    From the Functions menu, select Display/Ads.

2.    If the credit applies to a specific ad, or order, click on the Display Ads tab and enter either the ad, or order number in the appropriate field.  Otherwise, remain in the Client tab and enter the relevant information to find the desired client.

3.    Select the applicable ad from the list at the bottom of the Client │Profile screen.  If the credit is for an ad originally entered in the Classified/Ads module, or does not apply to a specific ad, or order, then go to Step 11.

4.    In the Ad │Order screen, click on the Insert Copy icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

5.    If the credit is for a charge that occurred in a previous billing period (after end-of-month), change the date in the Date field to reflect the current month.

6.    Edit the Caption field to reflect that this ad entry is a credit (e.g. credit for color charge).  Include the original ad, or order number in the caption.

7.    Click on the Eraser icon on the right-hand side of the screen to clear all the Price fields.  If there is a number in either of the Contract fields, highlight it with the cursor, and erase it by striking the backspace key.

8.    In the right-hand Ad Space field, type in the amount of the credit, then click on the Calculator icon to ensure the total amount is correct.  Click on the Save icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

9.    Click on the Details tab of the Ad screen.  In the Adjustment area, click the Credit option, then click on the Reason field Search icon, and make a selection from the menu.  Ensure that the Do Not Send to Layout box is checked.  Click on the Save icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen.  A menu will appear, in which you will select Credit Memo.

10.    Return to the Order tab, and check that the Total field displays the correct amount.  This should now appear as a negative value highlighted in red.

11.    For credits that do not pertain to specific ads, orders, or ads scheduled in the Classified/Ads module, follow these same instructions, only enter the Credit Memo as a new ad (see Entering a Display Ad protocol for help).  In the Ad Size field, select 0x0.  If the credit is for a classified ad, be sure to enter the ad number, and any relevant information in the Caption field.

12.    This procedure will generate a Task.  Be sure to click on the red Task button, which will then open the Customer Relation Management (CRM) module.  Authorize the task(s) created by this procedure by clicking on them, and then clicking on the Green button.  Answer Yes to the pop-up questions, and then close this window. 

13.    If the credit is to be immediately applied to an invoice, and the transaction is not to appear on the client’s statement, return to the Ad │Order screen, click on Reports, and select the Billing option.

14.    In the Billing window, ensure that the ad number for the credit memo appears in the Ad # field, and that the ad date matches the date in the Date of Billing field.

15.    Click on the Process icon, print a copy of the invoice, and then close the Billing module.

16.    In the Classified, or Display Ads module, print a copy of the original invoice to which the credit will be applied (see Printing a Single Invoice), and attach it to the credit memo invoice.

17.    Return to the Software menu, and select Accounts Receivable | Credit Application.  See Credit Application for further instructions.

4. Billing

4.1. Generating Statements

From Accounts Receivable

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Statement.

2.    In the Statement Date field, enter a date, or click on the Calendar icon, and select the appropriate date.  Note: the Statement Date will generally be the last day of the month for which you are generating a statement.

3.    In the Last Statement Date field, enter a date, or click on the Calendar icon, and select the appropriate date.  Note: the Last Statement Date will generally be the last day of the month prior to the month for which you are generating a statement.

4.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the A/R Account field, and select the G/L account that corresponds to your location (e.g. Concord Publishing House would select CPH Accounts Receivable).  Click the OK button in the A/R Account window that pops up.

5.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the Search icon.  Select the profit center(s) that apply to your location, and then click on the OK button.

6.    To generate a statement for a specific account, uncheck the All box adjacent to the Client field, and enter the client ID number.  Note: if the All box remains checked, you will generate statements for all the client accounts in your database.

7.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

From Display / Ads

1.    In the Display Advertising module, locate the customer for which you wish to generate a statement.

2.    Select the Invoice tab, and click on the Stat. button.

3.    Follow the steps that describe how to generate a statement in Accounts Receivable.  The Client field will already be filled with the appropriate information.

From Classified / Ads

1.    In the Classified Advertising module, locate the customer for which you wish to generate a statement.

2.    Select the History tab, and click on the Stat. button.

3.    Follow the steps that describe how to generate a statement in Accounts Receivable.  The Client field will already be filled with the appropriate information.

4.2. Billing Legal Ads

1.    From the Functions menu, select Display/Ads.  A window entitled Search Engine will appear.

2.    In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client you wish to bill, and then press <Enter>.

3.    From the list of Ads at the bottom of the Client | Profile screen, click on the ad you wish to bill, and make a note of the Order#.

4.    From the Ad | Order screen, make a note of the last ad insertion date in the order.  At the top of the screen, click on the Reports menu, and select Billing.  A window entitled Billing will appear.

5.    In the Selection tab, ensure that the All box adjacent to the Order# field is unchecked, and that the correct order number is entered in the field.  In the Date of Billing field, enter the date of the last ad insertion in the order.

6.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

7.    Once the pdf is generated, click on the Print icon to print the invoice.

4.3. Collection Letter Setup

1.    Ensure that the PBS Document Generator has been properly installed and configured.  Consult the Document Generator Installation instructions if this has not already been done.

2.    In the PBS Advertising application, select Maintenance | Business Rules from any of the modules under the Software menu.

3.    Under the Accounts Receivable tree, select Credit Plus | Collection Letter.

4.    In the Collection Letter Processing Mode field, select By A/R Account.

5.    In the Collection Letter Template Source Directory field, set up the filepath to the letter templates.  For CPH, this filepath is currently N:\PBS\Temp.

6.    Save the changes to Business Rules by clicking on the Save icon, or by striking the <F2> key.

7.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Collection | Collection Letter.

8.    In the Letter field, enter a unique name for the type of collection letter (e.g. 30DAYS).

9.    In the Description field, enter a description for the collection letter (e.g. 30 Days Past Due).

10.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Terms of Payment field and select Upon Receipt (UR).

11.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the A/R Account field and select the accounts receivable G/L Account specific to the profit site.

12.    Click on the Open Conversion File icon adjacent to the Template File field and select the appropriate collection letter template (e.g. 30Days.xsl).

13.    In the Days Past the Due Date field, enter the number of days past due +1 (e.g. for 30 Days Past Due, enter 31).

14.    Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.

4.4. Collections

Placing a Single Account into Active Collection

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Collection | Put into Collection.

2.    Check the Active option under the Put Into Collection heading.  Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Collection Agency field, and assign the agency responsible for the collection.  Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Collection Status field, and select Collection (COLL).

3.    Optionally, the client’s credit code may be changed by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the New Credit Code field, and making a selection from the drop-down menu.

4.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Client field, and enter the client Id number of the account being put into collection.

5.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

Removing an Account from Collection

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Client.  A window entitled Search Engine will appear.

2.    In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client which you wish to remove from Collection, and then press <Enter>.

3.    Click on the Credit | Collection subtab of the Client tab.

4.    Select the agency assigned to the collection, and click on the Inactivate icon located at the upper right-hand corner of the screen.   

Selecting Accounts that Qualify for Collection

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Collection | Put into Collection.

2.    Ensure that the Active option under the Put Into Collection heading is left unchecked.

3.    Under the Selection heading, set the Minimum Age to 90.

4.    Under the Based on heading, select the Invoice Date option.

5.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

Running the Collector’s Report

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Collection | Collector’s Report.

2.    Ensure that the All box adjacent to the Project Id field is unchecked, and that the entry in this field is COLLECTION.  Otherwise, click on the Search icon and select this option in the Project Id window that appears.  Then click the OK button.

3.    Ensure that the All box adjacent to the Task Code field is unchecked, and that the entry in this field is CREDIT CHK.  Otherwise, click on the Search icon and select this option in the Task Code window that appears.  Then click the OK button.

4.    Under the Clients in Collection heading, select the All option.

5.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

5. End of Month Procedures

5.1. End of Month Checklist

•  Run Classified | Billing for the month.

•  Run Display | Billing for the month including Combos.

•  Run one last Billing for the whole month to catch any credits or invoices.

•  Run an Aging List with For credit application only and With zero balance boxes checked.

•  Run Automatic Credit Application for the ones on the list.

•  Run the Report for Fee Write Offs on zero balance invoices.

•  Then, actually run the Fee Write Offs on zero balance invoices to cancel.

•  Run Statement with Sort in this order:     
    1. Client Name
    2. Client Number
    3. Zip Code
    4. Credit Code
    5. Sales Rep
    6. Billing Sort (this one should be last)

•  Run Aging List for the month.

•  Under Display Adv
    - Reports
        - Run Ad List for Coordinator
            - Load saved sets (Load Request):
                1. P U Adv
                2. Adv Sold In to O/P to check GL coding
                3. Credit Memo Re-class reports – two save sets

•  Under Accounts Receivable
    - Reports
        - Run GL Transaction List – save set(s)
        - Run Accounting Ledger for the month (formats)
                Cash Ledger
                Sales Ledger
        - Preview any Balancing A/R reports you want on Paper
        - After all your Previews are done, run the Balancing A/R report with all sorts
                  to be broken out by Transactions, and with the Close A/R Period box checked.

5.2. Final Billing (EOM)

Classified Billing

1.    Prior to final billing, ensure that all the issues which are to be invoiced have been closed.  See Closing a Publishing Day for instructions on how to do this.

2.    From the Software menu, select Classified Advertising | Billing.

3.    In the Selection tab, check the Billing option under Mode, and under the Select caption, check the Credits and Paid Invoices options.

4.    In the Billing subtab, enter the last date of the month in the Until field, or select this date by clicking on the Calendar icon.

5.    Ensure that the All box adjacent to the A/R Account field is checked, and that the None option is selected under the Archive heading.

6.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the adjacent Search icon.  Select the profit center(s) that correspond to your location.

7.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

Display Billing

1.         Prior to final billing, ensure that all the issues which are to be invoiced have been closed.  See Closing a Publishing Day for instructions on how to do this.

2.    From the Software menu, select Display Advertising | Billing.

3.    In the Selection tab, check the Billing option under Mode, and under Ads to Bill, check the All option.  Under the Archive heading, check None, check All under the What to Bill heading, and select Credits and Paid Invoices under the Invoices Printed heading.

4.    Enter the last date of the month in the Date of Billing field, or select this date by clicking on the Calendar icon.

5.    Under the Billing heading, ensure that the All boxes adjacent to the Publication, Combo, Order#, Client, and Agency fields are checked.

6.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Issue Date / Contract Adjustment Date field, and click on the Calendar icon.  Under the Enter Selection heading, enter the first date of the month in the left-hand field, and the last date of the month in the right-hand field.  Then, click on the OK button.

7.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the adjacent Search icon.  Select the profit center(s) that correspond to your location.

8.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

5.3. Automatic Credit Application (EOM)

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Reports | Aging List.

2.    In the Selection | Aging subtab, enter the last day of the month in the As of Date field, or click on the Calendar icon to make a selection.

3.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the A/R Account field, and click on the Search icon.  Select the A/R account that applies to you location, and click on the OK button.

4.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the Search icon.  Select the profit center(s) that apply to your location, and click on the OK button.

5.    Click on the Print & Misc. subtab.  Under the Client Selection heading, ensure that all the Balance options are checked.

6.    Check the For credit application only box.

7.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.  Print the generated report.

8.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Automatic Credit Application.

9.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Client field in the Selection tab.  From the previously generated Aging List, enter the Client Id numbers in this field, separated by spaces

10.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the Search icon.  Select from the drop-down menu the profit center(s) that apply to your location.

11.    Under Other Selection Criteria, in the Credit Application Date field, enter the last date of the month, or click on the Calendar icon and make a selection.

12.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

5.4. Fee Write Offs (EOM)

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Reports | Fee Write Off.

2.    Under the Selection tab, ensure that the All boxes adjacent to the Client, Invoice No, and Fee Date are all checked.

3.    Ensure that all the options under the Select Invoice From and Miscellaneous headings are checked.

4.    Uncheck the box adjacent to the Fee Type field, and click on the Search icon.  Select Service Charge (SC), and then click on the OK button.

5.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the Search icon.  Select the profit center(s) that apply to your location, and then click on the OK button.

6.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the <Alt +F2> keys.

7.    Scan the report to determine if there are any clients whose service charges you do not want written off, and make a note of their Client Id numbers.

8.    Returning to the Fee Write Off window, leave all the settings unchanged, but uncheck the All box adjacent to the Client field and click on the Search icon.

9.    Close, or click on the Cancel button in the Searching Client … window.  Click on <NEW> under the Excludes heading.  In the left-hand field under the Selection heading, enter the Client Id numbers, separated by spaces, of the accounts that you do not wish to write off service charges.

10.    Under the Miscellaneous heading, uncheck the Report Only option.

11.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the <Alt +F2> keys.

5.5. Generating Billing Statements (EOM)

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Statement.

2.    In the Statement Date field, enter the last date of the month, or click on the Calendar icon to select this date.

3.    In the Last Statement Date field, enter the last date of the previous month, or click on the Calendar icon to select this date.

4.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the A/R Account field, and select the G/L account that applies to your location (e.g. Concord Publishing House would select CPH Accounts Receivable).  Click the OK button in the A/R Account window that pops up.

5.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the Search icon.  Select the profit center(s) that apply to your location, and then click on the OK button.

6.    Click on the Sort / Misc. tab, and ensure that the report is sorted in the following order:
       •    Client Name
       •    Client Number
       •    Zip Code
       •    Credit Code
       •    Sales Rep
       •    Billing Sort
Note: Arrange the categories in the Sorting area by clicking and dragging them into the desired order.

7.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the <Alt + F2> keys.

8.    Follow your location’s procedures for printing statements.

5.6. Aging Reports (EOM)

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Reports | Aging List.

2.    In the Selection | Aging subtab, enter the last day of the month in the As of Date field, or click on the Calendar icon and make a selection.

3.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the A/R Account field, and click on the Search icon.  Select the A/R account that applies to you location, and then click on the OK button.

4.    Ensure that the Invoice Date option is selected under the Age ref. date according to heading.

5.    Under the following headings, ensure that the All boxes are checked: Client, Agency’s Client, Salesrep, Company, Main Client Type, Terms of Payment, Classified Client Type, Invoice, Credit Code, Invoice Age, Total Due of Selected Invoices, and Total Due of Selected Invoices per Client.

6.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the Search icon.  Select the profit center(s) that apply to your location, and click on the OK button.

7.    Under the Salesrep Choice heading, ensure that the Client option is selected.

8.    Under the Report Format heading, ensure that the Summary option is selected.

9.    Click on the Print & Misc. subtab.  Under the Client Selection heading, ensure that the With positive balance and With negative balance Balance options are checked.

10.    Under the In Collection heading, ensure that the All option is selected.

11.    Under the Miscellaneous heading, ensure that the Print Selection Criteria and Preview boxes are checked.

12.    Under the Invoice Selection heading, ensure that the  Invoice DisputeAll option is selected.

13.    Click on the Sort tab.  Under the Sorting heading, arrange the list by dragging and dropping the criteria in this order: (1) Client, (2) Invoice, (3) A/R Account.  The remaining items do not need to be in any particular order.

14.    Under the Breaking heading, ensure that the Client box is checked.

15.    Under the Clients sorted by heading, ensure that the Name box is checked.

16.    Under the Salesreps sorted by heading, ensure that the Number box is checked.

17.    Under the Invoices sorted by heading, ensure that the Number box is checked.

18.    Under the Collection Agencies sorted by heading, ensure that the Number box is checked.

19.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.  Print the generated report.


5.7. Display Advertising Reports (EOM)

Pick-Up Advertising Report

1.    From the Software menu, select Display Advertising | Reports | Ad List for Coordinator.

2.    In the Selection | Ads tab, ensure that the All boxes are checked under every heading, except for Publication Date.  Uncheck this All box.

3.    Click on the Calendar icon adjacent to the Publication Date field.  A window entitled Publication Date will appear.

4.    Under the Enter Selection heading, enter the range of dates for the reporting period (i.e. first and last dates of the month), or click on the Calendar icons to select these dates.  Then click on the OK button.

5.    Under the Salesrep Choice heading, ensure that the Main (Ad) option is selected.

6.    Under the SIC Choice heading, ensure that the Main (Ad) option is selected.

7.    Click on the Selection | Request & Misc. subtab.  Uncheck the All box under the Product heading, and click on the Search icon adjacent to the blank field.  A window entitled Product will appear.

8.    Under the Enter Selection heading, click on the Search icon and add the products PUAD, PUCD, and INPU.  As they are added, these products will appear in the space under the Includes heading.  When finished, click on the OK button.

9.    Under the Client or Agency Name heading, select the Long option.

10.    Under the Size heading, select the Ad Size option for Size Selection.

11.    Under the Ads heading, ensure that the Both option is selected for the first three columns, and the Active option is selected in the fourth column.

12.    Under the Miscellaneous heading, ensure that the Print Invoice Note, Include Sales Ads, Print Net Price, Print Selection Criteria, and Preview boxes are the only ones checked.

13.    Under the Sent to Layout System heading, ensure that the All option is selected.

14.    Click on the Sort tab.  Under the Sorting heading, arrange the list by dragging and dropping the criteria in this order: (1) Publication, (2) Ad Type, (3) Client.  The remaining items do not need to be in any particular order.

15.    Under the Breaking heading, check the Client, Publication, and Ad Type boxes.

16.    Under the Clients sorted by heading, select the Name option.

17.    Under the Salesreps sorted by heading, select the Name option.

18.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.  Print the generated report.

Advertising Sold Into Other Papers Report

1.    Follow the same procedure as for the Pick-Up Advertising Report, until the Product window appears.

2.    Under the Enter Selection heading, click on the Search icon and add the products ASIC, ASIR, and INSI.  As they are added, these products will appear in the space under the Includes heading.  When finished, click on the OK button.

3.    Continue following the original procedure.  When finished, click on the Start Process icon, or strike the <Alt + F2> keys.  Print the generated report.

Credit Memo Reclassification Report

1.    Follow the same procedure as for the Pick-Up Advertising Report, until you arrive at the Selection | Request & Misc. subtab.

2.    Leave the All box under the Product heading checked.

3.    Under the Miscellaneous heading, ensure that only the Include Credit Adjustment Ads, Print Net Price, Print Selection Criteria, and Preview boxes are checked.

4.    Click on the Sort tab.  Under the Sorting heading, arrange the list by dragging and dropping the criteria in this order: (1) Publication, (2) Product, (3) Ad Type, (4) Client, (5) Adjustment Reason.  The remaining items do not need to be in any particular order.

5.    Under the Breaking heading, check the Client, Publication, Product, Ad Type, and Adjustment Reason boxes.

6.        Continue following the original procedure.  When finished, click on the Start Process icon, or strike the <Alt + F2> keys.  Print the generated report.

5.8. Accounts Receivable Reports (EOM)

G/L Transaction List

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Reports | G/L Transaction List.

2.    Ensure that the All boxes under the Client, Invoice, Creation Date, and Transaction Code headings are checked.

3.    Uncheck the All box under the Transaction Date heading, and click on the Calendar icon adjacent to the blank field.  A window entitled Transaction Date will appear.

4.    Under the Enter Selection heading, enter the range of dates for the reporting period (i.e. first and last dates of the month), or click on the Calendar icons to select these dates.  Then click on the OK button.

5.    Uncheck the All box under the G/L Account heading, and click on the Search icon adjacent to the blank field.  A window entitled G/L Account will appear.

6.    Under the Enter Selection heading, you may click on the Search icon and add all the G/L accounts that apply to your location.  However, as the number of accounts may be rather large, you may prefer to simply enter a range of accounts or exclude certain ones.  To enter a range, click on the Search icon adjacent to the left-hand field, and select the lowest numbered account.  Then, click on the Search icon adjacent to the right-hand field, and select the highest numbered account.  This information will appear under the Includes all heading.  To exclude an account, click on <NEW> under the Excludes heading, and search for the appropriate accounts.  These will appear under the Excludes heading.

7.    Ensure that both the Print Selection Criteria and Preview boxes are checked under the Miscellaneous heading.

8.    Click on the Sort tab.  Under the Sorting heading, arrange the list by dragging and dropping the criteria in this order: (1) G/L Account, (2) Client, (3) Transaction Code, (4) Invoice, (5) Profit Center, (6) Creation Date, (7) Transaction Date.
9.    Under the Breaking heading, check the G/L Account box.

10.    Under the Clients sorted by heading, select the Name option.

11.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.  Print the generated report.

Cash Ledger

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Reports | Accounting Ledger.

2.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Identification field and select CASH.  The fields should now read CASH and CASH LEDGER.  The Format fields should read CASH and CASH FORMAT, and the Type field should read “Cash Receipt”.

3.    Click on the Calendar icon adjacent to the field under the Transaction Date heading.  A window entitled Transaction Date will appear.

4.    Under the Enter Selection heading, enter the range of dates for the reporting period (i.e. first and last dates of the month), or click on the Calendar icons to select these dates.  Then click on the OK button.

5.    Under the A/R Account heading, uncheck the All box and click on the Search icon adjacent to the field.  Select the G/L Account specific to your location, and then click on the OK button.

6.    Under the Profit Center heading, uncheck the All box and click on the Search icon adjacent to the field.  Select the profit center specific to your location, and then click on the OK button.

7.    Ensure that all the remaining All boxes are checked.

8.    Under the Post Status heading, ensure that the All option is selected.

9.    Under the Miscellaneous heading, ensure that both the Print Selection Criteria and Preview boxes are checked.

10.    Click on the Sort tab.  Under the Sorting heading, ensure that Client is at the top of the list.  Otherwise, drag and drop it to this location.

11.    Under the Clients sorted by heading, ensure that the Name option is selected.

12.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.  Print the generated report.

Sales Ledger

1.    Follow the same procedure as for the Cash Ledger, except for the Identification field selection.

2.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Identification field and select SALES.  The fields should now read SALES and SALES LEDGER.  The Format fields should read SALES and SALES FORMAT, and the Type field should read “Sales”.

3.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.  Print the generated report.

5.9. Balancing A/R (EOM)

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Reports | Balancing A/R.

2.    Under the Balancing heading, click on the Search icon adjacent to the A/R Account field, and select the G/L Account specific to your location.

3.    The Balancing Date option should be checked by default, and the date of the last day of the previous month should appear in the adjacent field.  Click on the New Balancing button, and the date will be updated to the last day of the month you are currently balancing.

4.    Under the Sales Ledger heading, ensure that the Identification and Format fields display the entry “SALES”.  Otherwise, click on the adjacent Search icons and make these selections.

5.    Under the Subtotal Options heading, select the By Transaction Code option.

6.    Under the Cash Receipts heading, ensure that the Identification and Format fields display the entry “CASH”.  Otherwise, click on the adjacent Search icons and make these selections.

7.    Under the Subtotal Options heading, select the By Transaction Code option.

8.    Under the Aging Format heading, select the Summary option.

9.    Under the Miscellaneous heading, ensure that the Close Balancing, Print Selection Criteria, and Preview options are checked.

10.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the <Alt + F2> keys.


1. Bad Debt Write Offs

Bad Debt Write Offs

  1.  From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Write Off.
  2. The Client Search Engine displays. Find the client for which you are writing off invoices.
  3. Click the button ‘Add All Client Invoices’.
  4. Specify a date for the write-off in the Write Off Date field.
  5. Enter a Note such as “Bad Debt Write-Off”, keeping ‘Bad Debt’ checked before clicking ‘OK’.
  6. When all have been entered for each client being written off, click the button ‘Produce All Write Offs’, and answer any questions that follow appropriately. *
  7. Once completed, it is recommended that you create and print a Write Off Report – a button is also located on this screen as a shortcut to this report.
    • Click Load Request (saved set), selecting the Bad Debt report for your location, and change the date to that which you entered for the write-offs. Also, be sure that your profit centers are specified before processing.

 * If there are other write-offs, outside of the date period, and/or they’re not what you’ve entered, please call the Accounting department in Cape to discuss.

2. Circulation Integration (No longer valid)

3. Adding a Manual Product Code Invoice

Adding a Manual Invoice

  1. From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Invoice Update. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
  2. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are adding a manual invoice, and then press <Enter>, or click on the Find button.
  3. Click on the Insert icon in the Invoice tab.
  4. Enter any relevant comments in the Comments field, and notes that should appear on the invoice in the Invoice Note field.
  5. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Profit Center field, and make an appropriate selection from the drop-down menu based on your location.
  6. The Account Receivable field should display a default entry based on the profit center selected, but may be modified by clicking on the adjacent Search icon, and making an alternate selection.
  7. Check the box next to Order.
  8. If applicable, enter a purchase order number in the PO# field.
  9. Enter a date in the Order Date field if other than the current date.
  10. Enter the salesrep who will receive credit for the order by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the Salesrep/Comm % field, and make the appropriate selection.
  11. Click on the Save icon.
  12. Click on the Go To Items button.
  13. Under the Order Items heading, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Product field and make the appropriate selection from the drop down menu. Change the Description as needed.
  14. Enter the amount of the transaction(s) in the amount field.  Change the quantity setting from 1 to -1 if the transaction is a discount or negative adjustment.
  15. Click on the Save icon.
  16. Click on the Sheet icon, and repeat Steps 13-15 to add additional lines or products. Otherwise, proceed to Step 17.
  17. When the Invoice Totals match your backup, click on the Billed button when it turns blue. Click on the Printer icon and print the invoice, or X out of the window.

4. Single Account Fee Removal

Single Account Fee Removal

  1. From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Fee Details.
  2. Enter account number/Client ID in Client box. The account will refresh immediately once the full ID is entered.
  3. Optional: To show all previous fees, check the box next to Inactive in the lower-left corner.
  4. Select any fees that have not been marked-through and click on the lightbulb icon  in the upper-right to deactivate it.

5. Daily Processes

Daily Process

  1.  Print report- ad list for coordinator
  2. Check paper to ad list for coordinator
  3. When paper is checked to report and all ads are in paper that are on report, print final copy of ad list for coordinator
  4. Close issue
  5. Daily Invoicing

After the above steps are complete, the process for that publication is complete.



  1. Print deposit list
  2. Key in any payments from mail or any other not already in for that day.
  3. Print deposit list
  4. Check to balance
  5. When all is balanced, close deposit
  6. Print deposit list – final copy


Invoice Update

Enter invoiced or ticketed items, for example:

  1. Web charges
  2. Misc
  3. Service Revenue
  4. Transfer charges
  5. Commercial printing
  6. Rack charges