HomeMediaPlus Advertising AccountingInvoicesEntering Credit Memos

3.9. Entering Credit Memos

1.    From the Functions menu, select Display/Ads.

2.    If the credit applies to a specific ad, or order, click on the Display Ads tab and enter either the ad, or order number in the appropriate field.  Otherwise, remain in the Client tab and enter the relevant information to find the desired client.

3.    Select the applicable ad from the list at the bottom of the Client │Profile screen.  If the credit is for an ad originally entered in the Classified/Ads module, or does not apply to a specific ad, or order, then go to Step 11.

4.    In the Ad │Order screen, click on the Insert Copy icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

5.    If the credit is for a charge that occurred in a previous billing period (after end-of-month), change the date in the Date field to reflect the current month.

6.    Edit the Caption field to reflect that this ad entry is a credit (e.g. credit for color charge).  Include the original ad, or order number in the caption.

7.    Click on the Eraser icon on the right-hand side of the screen to clear all the Price fields.  If there is a number in either of the Contract fields, highlight it with the cursor, and erase it by striking the backspace key.

8.    In the right-hand Ad Space field, type in the amount of the credit, then click on the Calculator icon to ensure the total amount is correct.  Click on the Save icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

9.    Click on the Details tab of the Ad screen.  In the Adjustment area, click the Credit option, then click on the Reason field Search icon, and make a selection from the menu.  Ensure that the Do Not Send to Layout box is checked.  Click on the Save icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen.  A menu will appear, in which you will select Credit Memo.

10.    Return to the Order tab, and check that the Total field displays the correct amount.  This should now appear as a negative value highlighted in red.

11.    For credits that do not pertain to specific ads, orders, or ads scheduled in the Classified/Ads module, follow these same instructions, only enter the Credit Memo as a new ad (see Entering a Display Ad protocol for help).  In the Ad Size field, select 0x0.  If the credit is for a classified ad, be sure to enter the ad number, and any relevant information in the Caption field.

12.    This procedure will generate a Task.  Be sure to click on the red Task button, which will then open the Customer Relation Management (CRM) module.  Authorize the task(s) created by this procedure by clicking on them, and then clicking on the Green button.  Answer Yes to the pop-up questions, and then close this window. 

13.    If the credit is to be immediately applied to an invoice, and the transaction is not to appear on the client’s statement, return to the Ad │Order screen, click on Reports, and select the Billing option.

14.    In the Billing window, ensure that the ad number for the credit memo appears in the Ad # field, and that the ad date matches the date in the Date of Billing field.

15.    Click on the Process icon, print a copy of the invoice, and then close the Billing module.

16.    In the Classified, or Display Ads module, print a copy of the original invoice to which the credit will be applied (see Printing a Single Invoice), and attach it to the credit memo invoice.

17.    Return to the Software menu, and select Accounts Receivable | Credit Application.  See Credit Application for further instructions.

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