HomeMediaPlus Advertising AccountingInvoicesClosing a Publishing Day

3.1. Closing a Publishing Day

1.    From the Software menu, select Display Advertising | Close Issue.

2.    Deselect the All checkbox under the Publication heading, and click on the Search icon in the adjacent blank field to select the publication(s) you wish to close.  Although you may select any combination of publications in the Selection window, it is recommended that you close only one publication at a time to avoid closing an issue erroneously.

3.    In the Close Until Date field, enter the date of the issue to be closed, or select it by clicking on the Calendar icon.

4.    Select Close Issue under the Mode heading.  Note: you may also reopen publication dates by following the same procedure and selecting the Open Issue option.

5.    Under the Systems heading, ensure that both the Classified and Display options are selected.

6.    Click on the Start Process icon at the upper left-hand corner of the window.  A second window will open to confirm that the selected issues are to be closed, or opened.

7.    If there are any outstanding, unpublished ads that prevent you from closing the selected issue, the system will report those Ad numbers.  Otherwise, a confirmation message will be displayed in the Process Result field.

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