Home → MediaPlus Advertising Accounting → Billing → Billing Legal Ads
1. From the Functions menu, select Display/Ads. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
2. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client you wish to bill, and then press <Enter>.
3. From the list of Ads at the bottom of the Client | Profile screen, click on the ad you wish to bill, and make a note of the Order#.
4. From the Ad | Order screen, make a note of the last ad insertion date in the order. At the top of the screen, click on the Reports menu, and select Billing. A window entitled Billing will appear.
5. In the Selection tab, ensure that the All box adjacent to the Order# field is unchecked, and that the correct order number is entered in the field. In the Date of Billing field, enter the date of the last ad insertion in the order.
6. Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.
7. Once the pdf is generated, click on the Print icon to print the invoice.