HomeMediaPlus Advertising AccountingBillingGenerating Statements

4.1. Generating Statements

From Accounts Receivable

1.    From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Statement.

2.    In the Statement Date field, enter a date, or click on the Calendar icon, and select the appropriate date.  Note: the Statement Date will generally be the last day of the month for which you are generating a statement.

3.    In the Last Statement Date field, enter a date, or click on the Calendar icon, and select the appropriate date.  Note: the Last Statement Date will generally be the last day of the month prior to the month for which you are generating a statement.

4.    Click on the Search icon adjacent to the A/R Account field, and select the G/L account that corresponds to your location (e.g. Concord Publishing House would select CPH Accounts Receivable).  Click the OK button in the A/R Account window that pops up.

5.    Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the Search icon.  Select the profit center(s) that apply to your location, and then click on the OK button.

6.    To generate a statement for a specific account, uncheck the All box adjacent to the Client field, and enter the client ID number.  Note: if the All box remains checked, you will generate statements for all the client accounts in your database.

7.    Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the < Alt + F2> keys.

From Display / Ads

1.    In the Display Advertising module, locate the customer for which you wish to generate a statement.

2.    Select the Invoice tab, and click on the Stat. button.

3.    Follow the steps that describe how to generate a statement in Accounts Receivable.  The Client field will already be filled with the appropriate information.

From Classified / Ads

1.    In the Classified Advertising module, locate the customer for which you wish to generate a statement.

2.    Select the History tab, and click on the Stat. button.

3.    Follow the steps that describe how to generate a statement in Accounts Receivable.  The Client field will already be filled with the appropriate information.

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