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PBS System Logon
1. Connect to the terminal server by double-clicking the Remote Desktop Connection icon.
2. Double-click the Advertising icon. A window entitled DTI – Logon will appear.
3. In the User Code field, enter your pre-assigned user name. This will generally be the first letter of your first name, followed by the first four or five letters of your last name.
4. In the Password field, enter either your personalized, or default password. The default password is your first and last name initials, followed by “2007” (e.g. Bob Smith would be BS2007). Submit a request through OTIS if you wish to set up a personalized password.
5. Ensure that the entry in the Server field is MPP2K301. If not, click on the adjacent down-arrow and select it from the drop-down menu.
6. Ensure that the entry in the Database field is ADVERTISING. If not, click on the adjacent down-arrow and select it from the drop-down menu.
7. The Security Group field will have a pre-assigned entry. Click on the Logon button, and a window entitled Change Profit Site will appear.
8. Under the Mode heading, ensure that the Single Profit Site option is selected and that the Profit Site field displays the appropriate location. Then click on the OK button.
PBS System Navigation
1. Upon accessing the Advertising application, a window entitled DTI MediaPlus will appear on your screen. Below the window caption will be 5 menu headings: Software, Functions, Configuration, Utilities, Help, and Quit.
2. Clicking on a heading will result in the appearance of a drop-down option menu. The procedures described in the Knowledge Books will guide you through the various options available through these menus. In general, you will only use the Software, Functions, and Quit option menus. Furthermore, you may only have access to certain options based on your user group security restrictions.
3. Within each option, you may enter information into blank fields by either clicking on the field, or tabbing to it from a previous field. You will also find that a standard set of icons are used throughout the applications. See the attached document to view these icons.
4. To exit the application, click on the Quit menu. Then, click on the Start menu, located at the lower left-hand corner of the screen, and select the Log Off option to disconnect from the terminal server. Do Not disconnect from the server by clicking on the “X” icon at the top of the screen. This will not disconnect you, and you will be unable to re-access the application without technical support.
1. From the Software menu, select either Classified Advertising | Clients, Display Advertising | Clients, or Accounts Receivable | Clients.
2. In the Searching field, enter the information that pertains to the client you are attempting to locate.
3. Under the Criteria heading, select the type of information you are using to locate the client of interest.
4. Click on the Find button, or strike the <Enter> key.
5. If your search criteria apply to multiple clients, a window entitled Search Result will appear. Select the client of interest from the list by double-clicking on the entry. A window entitled Clients will appear.
6. The Client | Detail tab will display the customer information, including their balance due. Currently, the iBuild and iServices tabs are not used. The Credit tab displays the client’s current credit terms and status, and the Contact tab displays the information that will appear on any statements or invoices. The Log tab displays changes that have occurred in the client’s information or credit.
1. From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Client Invoice History.
2. In the Searching field, enter the information that pertains to the client you are attempting to locate.
3. Under the Criteria heading, select the type of information you are using to locate the client of interest.
4. Click on the Find button, or strike the <Enter> key.
5. If your search criteria apply to multiple clients, a window entitled Search Result will appear. Select the client of interest from the list by double-clicking on the entry. A window entitled Client Invoice History will appear.
6. Under the Balance heading, the Billed field displays the billed amount for the selected invoice. Invoices are listed in the second-from-the-bottom section of the screen. Payments are displayed in the bottom section. If an invoice has been paid (i.e. the highlighted invoice has a corresponding entry in the payment section), then the billed amount will appear as 0.00.
7. Clicking on the Detail button will result in the appearance of a window entitled Client Balance, where billed, exposure, and prepayment amounts may be viewed and filtered.
8. The invoice history may be filtered by checking or unchecking the various options, or entering specific criteria in the available fields displayed in the top half of the Client Invoice History window.
9. To view the ad or order that corresponds to the selected invoice, click on the Ad button. This will open the Display/Ads module. See further instructions in the PBS Ad and Client Entry Procedures Knowledge Book.
10. To access the Payment module directly, click on the Pmt button. See further instructions at Entering Prepayments and Entering Payment on an Invoice.
11. To access the Credit Application module directly, click on the Cr App. Button. See further instructions at Credit Application.
12. To view any invoice disputes, click on the Dispute button.
13. To view the client’s stored credit card information, click on the Visa icon.
14. To access the Invoice Update module directly, click on the Inv. button. See further instruction at Modifying Invoices.
15. To access the Non-Sufficient Funds module directly, click on the NSF button.
16. To access the Statement module directly, click on the Stat. button. See further instructions at Generating Statements.
17. To access the Aging List module directly, click on the Aging button. See further instructions at Aging Reports.
1. From the Function menu, click on Classified | Ads. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
2. At the bottom right of the Search Engine window, click on the New Client button. A Client │Profile window will appear.
3. In the Profile area, enter the client’s name, street address, zip code, phone and fax numbers in the respective fields. The city, state, and country fields will automatically be filled once the zip code is entered.
Note: General Basics and Specifications for Client Entry to keep everything Uniform.
Please use Upper and Lower Case letters in all lines.
Individual person – example “John Smith” enter as “Smith, John”
Business Name - example “The Way Bookstore” enter as “Way Bookstore, The”
Doctor example “Dr John Jennings, DDS” enter as “Jennings, DDS, John”
Doctor example “Dr John Jennings, MD” enter as “Jennings, MD, John”
4. Enter the first and last name of the contact individual in the Contact fields, and their email address in the E-Mail field.
5. Enter an industry that pertains to the Ad by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) field, and select an entry from the drop-down menu.
6. If the client company is owned by a parent company, you may click on the Search icon and make a selection from the companies available in the database. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
7. In the Billing Defaults area, check the Authorized for Billing box if the client can be billed. Otherwise, all the customer’s Ads must be prepaid.
8. If Ads placed by this client should have a different name on the bill, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Send Bill to Client field and make a selection from the drop-down menu (typically an ad agency). If Ads should be billed directly to the client, leave this field blank.
9. If the client requests tearsheets of every Ad they place, enter the number requested for each insertion in the No. of Tearsheets field. Note: tearsheets can be added as an option upon Ad entry, so only enter a number in this field if absolutely certain the client wants tearsheets for every insertion.
10. If the client has a regular mode of payment, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Payment Mode field, and select a payment mode from the drop-down menu.
11. If a purchase order (PO) is required for each Ad placed by the client, check the PO Required box. If checked, a PO must be entered each time an Ad is booked for the client.
12. In the Classified area, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Type field, and select the client type. Note: Client type is one of the most important criteria for determining which rates apply to the client. Be sure to make a strong distinction between Commercial and Private Party clients since many rates will only apply to one, and not the other.
13. Identify the individual assisting the client (usually yourself) by clicking on the Search icon of the blank field adjacent to Curr. Salesrep, and make a selection from the drop-down menu.
14. Enter the client’s previous Sales representative, if applicable, by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the Prev. Salesrep field, and making a selection from the drop-down menu.
15. Click on the Save icon to save the client profile information.
1. From the Function menu, select Classified/Ads. A window entitled Payment Batch will appear.
2. Click on the Search icon and select the day’s payment batch, then click OK. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
3. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are placing the Ad, and then press <Enter>. If no match is found, expand your search parameters. If this is a new client, consult Entering a New Client.
4. Once a client is entered, or located, a window entitled Classified Advertising will display the selected client’s information in the Client tab. Click on the New Ad button to begin the Ad entry.
5. Enter the classification number in the Class field, located at the center of the Ad │ Order screen, or select this value from a drop-down menu by clicking on the adjacent Search icon.
6. Enter the name of the individual placing the Ad in the Requested By field.
7. In the Pub. field, enter the PBS Pub ID of the publication that will run the Ad. If you are running the Ad in multiple publications, or do not know the Pub ID, click on the Pub. Selection button to open the Pub. Selection window. Select the publications in which the Ad will run by checking the appropriate boxes in the Publications column, and then click OK. If the Ad is to run as part of a package (i.e. combo), consult Advertising Packages. The publication(s) you have selected will be listed in the Ad │ Order screen. From this list, click on the publication for which you wish to schedule the Ad.
8. Select the Ad insertion dates from the calendar located at the bottom of the Ad │ Order screen. Available dates will be in bold type. Click on a date to select, or unselect it. An entire week, month, or day of the week may be selected by clicking on the captions in the calendar’s margins. Also, the arrows to either side of the first month displayed enable you to scroll between months and years as necessary.
9. In the Miscellaneous area at the upper right of the window, the Ad Type field should display the default setting L (Liner). If not, click the Search icon and select Liner Ad from the drop-down menu.
10. Identify the individual selling the Ad (usually yourself) by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the Salesrep field, and make a selection from the drop-down menu.
11. Enter the source of the Ad by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the Source field, and make a selection from the dropdown menu.
12. If the Ad requires a reply box, it can be assigned by clicking on the Reply Box icon, which opens a Reply Box window. Clicking the Save icon in this window will automatically assign the next available reply box to the current client. To search for, and assign an existing reply box to the Ad, click on the adjacent Search icon, and select an entry from the drop-down menu. To insert the address of the reply box into the Ad text, see Ad Formatting.
13. If a special rate applies to the Ad, click on the Sp. rate field Search icon, and select an entry from the drop-down menu. For more information on using Special Rates, consult Special Rate Cards.
14. The Nb Tearsh (number of tearsheets) fields will default from the Client screen (see Entering a New Client). Change the number in this field if a different number of tearsheets is requested for this Ad.
15. Enter an industry that pertains to the Ad by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) field, and select an entry from the drop-down menu.
16. The Ad text may be typed in the workspace provided in the center of the Order tab of the Ad screen, or you may switch to the Text tab for a greater variety of Ad formatting options. For more information on Ad formatting, consult Ad Formatting.
17. Clicking on the Calculator icon provided in the Order, Text, and Price tabs will calculate the price of the Ad as it is currently entered. The Price tab also provides detailed information concerning the Ad’s price per insertion, and should be reviewed prior to saving the Ad.
18. If the Ad order is complete, and correct, click on the Save icon. If you wish to start over, click on the Undo icon.
1. From the Function menu, select Classified/Ads. A window entitled Payment Batch will appear.
2. Click on the Search icon and select the day’s payment batch, then click OK. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
3. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are placing the Ad, and then press <Enter>. If no match is found, expand your search parameters. If this is a new client, consult Entering a New Client.
4. Once a client is entered, or located, a window entitled Classified Advertising will display the selected client’s information in the Client tab. Click on the New Ad button to begin the Ad entry.
5. Enter the classification number in the Class field, located at the center of the Ad │ Order screen, or select this value from the drop-down menu by clicking on the Search icon.
6. Enter the name of the individual placing the Ad in the Requested By field.
7. In the Pub. field, enter the PBS Pub ID of the publication that will run the Ad. If you are running the Ad in multiple publications, or do not know the Pub ID, click on the Pub. Selection button to open the Pub. Selection window. Select the publications in which the Ad will run by checking the appropriate boxes in the Publications column, and then click OK. If the Ad is to run as part of a package (i.e. combo), consult Advertising Packages. The publication(s) you have selected will be listed in the Ad │ Order screen. From this list, click on the publication for which you wish to schedule the Ad.
8. Select the Ad insertion dates from the calendar located at the bottom of the Ad │ Order screen. Available dates will be in bold type. Click on a date to select, or unselect it. An entire week, month, or day of the week may be selected by clicking on the captions in the calendar’s margins. Also, the arrows to either side of the first month displayed enable you to scroll between months and years as necessary.
9. In the Miscellaneous area at the upper right of the window, the Ad Type field should display the default setting L (Liner). Click the Search icon and select Semi-Display (SD) Ad from the drop-down menu.
10. Identify the individual selling the Ad (usually yourself) by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the Salesrep field, and make a selection from the drop-down menu.
11. Enter the source of the Ad by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the Source field, and make a selection from the dropdown menu.
12. If the Ad requires a reply box, it can be assigned by clicking on the Reply Box icon, which opens a Reply Box window. Clicking the Save icon in this window will automatically assign the next available reply box to the current client. To search for, and assign an existing reply box to the Ad, click on the Search icon in the adjacent blank field, and select an entry from the drop-down menu. To insert the address of the reply box into the Ad text, see Ad Formatting.
13. If a special rate applies to the Ad, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Sp. rate field, and select an entry from the drop-down menu. For more information on using Special Rates, consult Special Rate Cards.
14. The Nb Tearsh (number of tearsheets) fields will default from the Client screen (see Entering a New Client). Change the number in this field if a different number of tearsheets is requested for this Ad.
15. Enter an industry that pertains to the Ad by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) field, and select an entry from the drop-down menu.
16. Click on the Ad │ Text tab, and compose the Ad in the workspace provided. For certain types of Ads (e.g. yard sales, service directory), you will be restricted to options available in the Format field drop-down menu. For help with formatting the Ad, and inserting graphics, consult Ad Formatting.
17. Clicking on the Calculator icon provided in the Order, Text, and Price tabs will calculate the price of the Ad as it is currently entered. The Price tab also provides detailed information concerning the Ad’s price per insertion, and should be reviewed prior to saving the Ad.
18. If the Ad order is complete, and correct, click on the Save icon. If you wish to start over, click on the Undo icon.
Special Rate Cards
13WK – Frequency 13 week rate
14DA – 14 Day Package
21DA – 21 Day Package
26WK – Frequency 26 week rate
30DA – 30 Day Package
4WK – Frequency 4 week rate
52WK – Frequency 52 week rate
7DA – 7 Day Package
8WK – Frequency 8 week rate
AG30 – Agency 30 Days
AG7D – Agency 7 Days
AG4D – Agency 4 Days
AGEN – Agency
AGSW – Agency Sunday & Wednesday
AUTO – Automotive Ad Deals
BDAW – Better Deal Additional Week
CDFA – Car Dealership Free Ad
ESW1 – Employment Sunday, Wednesday +1
FSBO – For Sale Best Offer
HOUS – House Ad, no charge
LOST – Lost $11.99
JP – Just Posted
NA30 – National 30 Days
NA4D – National 4 Days
NA7D – National 7 Days
NASW – National Sunday & Wednesday
NATL – National
PICK – Pickup Rate
REAL – Real Estate SD
RG – Rental Guide
SUNF – Sunday Frequency Rate
SW1 – Sunday/Wednesday +1
SW13 – Sunday/Wednesday +1 13 week
SW26 – Sunday/Wednesday +1 26 week
U1K – Under $1000
U200 – Under $200
U2K – Under $2000
U500 – Under $500
The Classified Advertising module’s text editor has a variety of formatting options. Basic features are available in the Text Info area of the Ad | Order tab, and more advanced features are provided in the Ad | Text tab. This Knowledge Book page consists of basic instructions on how to use these features.
• General Editing – cut, copy and paste text by first selecting it, then click on the icons described in the attached document
• Zoom Factor – the zoom control is located at the bottom, left-hand corner of the Text Screen in the Ad | Text tab. To change the perceived size of the ad, highlight the default value (300%) and type in a value between 50% and 400%. Alternately, you may highlight the value, right-click the mouse, and select from the list of values that appears. Note: this setting does not change the actual size of the ad. To view the ad as it will actually appear, set the zoom factor to 100%.
• Find Function – to search for a text string within the ad, click on the Find icon (flashlight). A window entitled Find will appear. Type the text you wish to search for in the Find what field, and click on the Find Next button.
• Paragraph Style – to change the style of a paragraph, or the entire ad, select the text you wish to change, and click on the Search icon adjacent to the Style box located under the editing icons (default NORMAL). A window entitled Searching will appear. Select the desired style, and click on the OK button to apply it to the selected text.
• Text Alignment – select the text you wish to align, and click on the corresponding Text Alignment icon. In the Ad | Order tab, these are located along the left margin of the Text Info. area. In the Ad | Text tab, the icons are centered above the Text Screen. Alternately, you may adjust the text margins by dragging the margin/indent markers just as you would in a Word document.
• Horizontal Scaling – select the text you wish to scale in the Ad | Text tab Text Screen. Change the value in the Scaling Control box, labeled with a % sign, by clicking on the up and down arrows, or by highlighting the entry and typing in the desired value.
• Character Formatting – select the text you wish to format, and then click on the Character Formatting icon which corresponds to the desired effect. The icons are available in both the Ad | Order and Ad | Text screens, and are described in the attached document.
• Changing Point Size and Leading – to change the point size, select the text, and change the value in the Point Size box by clicking on the up and down arrows, or by highlighting the entry and typing in the desired value. The Point Size box is located above the Text Info. screen in the Ad | Order tab, and above the Text Screen in the Ad | Text tab. In both screens, it is adjacent to a field that displays the font style, and above the Leading box. To change the leading value, click on the up and down arrows, or highlight the entry and type in the desired value. Note: the leading can never be smaller than the point size.
• Changing the Text Font – select the text that you wish to change, and click on the down-arrow adjacent to the Font Style field. Then select the font style you wish to apply. Note: currently, the only font style used is Helvetica LT Narrow.
• Inverting Ad Text – place the cursor inside the ad, and click on the Invert Ad icon. The icon is a black square located above the Font Style field. Adjacent is an icon composed of black rectangles that allows you to invert only a selected paragraph. Alternatively, the ad text, or selected parts can be inverted by reversing the Text and Para. settings (see Shading Ad Text and Background).
• Shading Ad Text and Background – select the text you wish to format. Above the Text Screen are two adjacent fields labeled Text. To change the text color, click on the Search icon adjacent to the right-hand field (default BLACK), and select the desired text color. To change the percent of shading for that color, click on the up and down arrows adjacent to the left-hand Text field, or highlight the entry and type in the desired value. Similarly, the paragraph color (default WHITE) and shading can be adjusted by changing the entries in the Para. fields.
• Adding Bullets – select the paragraph that you want to bullet, and click on the Bullet icon, located above the Font Style field. You may select the type of bullet by clicking on the down-arrow adjacent to the Bullet field, which is located to the right of the character formatting icons.
• Inserting a Telephone Number – to insert the client’s telephone number into the ad, position the cursor where the number is to start, and then click on the Telephone icon located above the Text Screen.
• Adding a Frame – to add a frame to the ad, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Frame field, and select a frame style from the drop-down menu.
• Semi-Display Ad Formats – to select a specific ad format (e.g. yard sale ads), click on the Search icon adjacent to the Format field, and make the appropriate selection. To change only the ad width, click on the up and down arrows adjacent to the Width field.
• Inserting Images into Semi-Display Ads – see Inserting Logos & Graphics.
• Inserting Attention Getters – click on the Attention Getter icon (eyeballs) located under the Miscellaneous heading. The New Today logo will automatically appear with the first insertion of the ad. Additional attention getters will be available in the future.
1. In the Classified/Ads module, ensure that the Ad Type is SD (Semi-Display), and click on the Insert Image icon. If you are entering the ad in the Ad | Order screen, the icon is located in the toolbar to the right of the Text Info. area. If using the Ad | Text screen, this icon is located above the font type field. A window entitled Picture Wizard v2 will appear.
2. Under the Folders heading, ensure that the Classified/General option is selected.
3. Under the File Mode heading, ensure that the Existing Picture option is selected.
4. Under the Sub Folders: heading, double-click on the Classified folder.
5. Double-click on the CP folder.
6. Double-click on the Classified_Logos folder.
7. Under the Picture Name: heading, select the logo or graphic you wish to insert into the ad. The image will appear in the Preview area.
8. Under the Picture Properties heading, the image defaults are based on it filling the complete width of the ad. You may adjust these settings as necessary. If a frame around the image is desired, click on the up and down arrows adjacent to the Frame field to set the frame width in points.
9. To adjust the space between the image and the ad text, change the Runaround settings by clicking on the adjacent up and down arrows. Settings of 2 to 4 points are recommended.
10. Under the Picture Placement heading, select from the Vertical and Horizontal Alignment options to set the general location of the image within the ad.
11. Click on the OK button.
1. To email a proof of an ad, ensure that the client’s email address has been entered in the E-Mail field in the Client | Profile tab.
2. Upon saving an ad, a window entitled Correspondence for Proofs will appear.
3. Under the Mode heading, select the Email option. If you wish to include any additional information in the email, enter it in the Message area. This will appear as the email text, whereas the proof will be an attachment.
4. Click on the OK button.
5. To email multiple versions of the ad for comparison, use the Proof Mode. To do this, first save the original version of the ad by clicking on the Save icon.
6. Click on the Proof Mode button, located above the subtabs.
7. Make changes to the ad, and save the new version by clicking on the Save icon. Note: this will not schedule another version of the ad.
8. Click on the Ad | Proof tab. Select the proof versions to be sent by checking the appropriate boxes under the Send column. If the original version of the ad is also to be sent, ensure that the Include Current Order in Proof box is checked.
9. Click on the Send button. The Correspondence for Proofs window will automatically appear.
10. Follow the previous instructions to email the proofs.
1. Entering payment for a classified ad is done through a window entitled Ad Payment, which is arrived at by one of two ways:
• Upon saving the classified ad, if the client is not authorized for billing, a window entitled Payment will appear. To proceed with entering the payment, ensure that the Pay now option is selected, and then click on the OK button.
• Locate the saved ad in the Classified Advertising module, and click on the Pmt button in any of the Ad tab subtabs.
2. In the Ad Payment window, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Payment Mode field. Select the method of payment, and then click on the OK button.
3. If the selected payment mode is by credit card, and this information has been previously saved, it will automatically appear under the Credit Card heading, and you may skip the next step. Otherwise, a window entitled Credit Card will appear.
4. Enter the credit card information in the available fields, and then click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key. This will return you to the Ad Payment window, and the credit card information will now appear under the Credit Card heading.
5. Additional payment information, such as a check number, may be entered in the Reference or Notes fields.
6. To pay the full amount of the ad, click on the OK button to apply the payment. To make a partial payment, double-click on the invoice. A window entitled Payment will appear, and the partial payment amount may be entered in the Payment Amount field. Then click on the OK button.
7. In the Ad Payment window, click on the OK button. The remaining balance owed will be shown in the Balance field of the Ad | Order and Ad | Price subtabs. If the ad has been paid in full, this amount will be zero.
1. From the Functions menu, select Classified/Ads. A window entitled Payment Batch will appear.
2. Click on the Search icon and select the day’s payment batch, and then click OK. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
3. In the Search Engine window, click on the Invoice tab, and make an entry in the Invoice Number field, and then hit <Enter>. Otherwise, search for the invoice by entering an ad number, or client information in the appropriate fields.
4. There are multiple ways to print an invoice in this module:
• In the Client │History tab, select the invoice to be printed, and then click on the Print button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. After the pdf image of the invoice appears, click on the Printer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window.
• In the Client │Profile tab, under the Ads heading, click on the ad for which the invoice is to be printed. From the Special menu, select Print Invoice, or use the <Alt+F2> keys. After the pdf image of the invoice appears, click on the Printer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window.
• Under the Ad tabs, select Print Invoice from the Special menu, or use the <Alt+F2> keys. After the pdf image of the invoice appears, click on the Printer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window.
1. From the Function menu, select Classified | Ads. A window entitled Payment Batch will appear.
2. Click on the Search icon and select the day’s payment batch, then click OK. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
3. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are placing the Ad, and then press <Enter>. If no match is found, expand your search parameters. If this is a new client, consult Entering a New Client.
4. Once a client is entered, or located, a window entitled Classified Advertising will display the selected client’s information in the Profile subtab. Click on the Contract subtab.
5. In the Contract ID field, enter a unique name for the contract, or observe your location’s standards for naming classified advertising contracts.
6. If the client has a display advertising contract, and the classified contract contributes to its fulfillment, click on the drop-down menu icon and make the appropriate selection.
7. Click on the drop-down menu icon adjacent to the Contact ID field, and select a contact individual.
8. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the SalesRep field, and select the client’s salesrep.
9. In the Exp Volume field, enter the agreed upon dollar amount of the contract.
10. In the Min. Unit field, enter the minimum linage (lines or inches) required for an ad to qualify for the contract rate. This value is generally set to 1.00.
11. In the Start Date field, enter the date the contract goes into effect, or select this date by clicking on the Calendar icon.
12. In the End Date field, enter the date the contract expires, or select this date by clicking on the Calendar icon.
13. Click on the Save icon. Then, click on the Sub-Contract subtab.
14. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Rate Card field, and select a rate card from the drop-down menu. The remaining fields will be filled automatically, or grayed-out.
15. Click on the Save icon.
1. From the Software menu, select Classified Advertising | Production | Production Extraction. A window entitled Production Extraction will appear.
2. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Publication field, under the Editions heading, and select the publication(s) you wish to publish.
3. Ensure that the All box adjacent to the Section field is checked.
4. In the Publication Date field, enter the issue date you wish to publish, or select this date by clicking on the Calendar icon.
5. Ensure that the All box adjacent to the Directory field is checked.
6. A highlighted entry should automatically appear under the Pub | Date | Platform | Software columns. Under the Selected Edition heading, the entry in Date field should match that entered in the Publication Date field.
7. Ensure that the Output File field displays the folder specific to your location (e.g. N:\Ad Imports\CP\ACCPH-CPH-20080507-CG01.afp for the 05/07/08 issue of the Southeast Missourian).
8. If an issue has multiple extraction files (e.g. Sunday SEM), uncheck the All box adjacent to the Directory field, click on the Search icon, and select a directory. Then, modify the name of the output file. For example, if the extraction is for auto ads in the Sunday SEM, add “-AUTO” after the “ACCPH-CPH”. If the extraction is for real estate, add “-REAL”. For everything else, add “-OTHER”.
9. Ensure that the All option is checked under the Classifications heading. Do not make any changes to the options under the Options heading.
10. Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the <Alt + F2> keys.
1. From the Software menu, select Classified Advertising | Production | Direct to Quark / InDesign. A window entitled Direct to Quark / InDesign will appear.
2. Click on the Down Arrow adjacent to the Publication field, and select the appropriate publication.
3. Click on the Calendar icon adjacent to the Issue Date field, and select the appropriate date.
4. Under the Output Platform heading, select the type of machine the production will be performed on (Mac or PC).
5. Under the Production Software heading, make the appropriate selection.
6. Click on the Process button.
1. From the Function menu, click on Display/Ads. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
2. At the bottom left of the Search Engine window, click on the New Client button. A Client │Profile window will appear.
3. In the Profile area, identify the individual assisting the client (usually yourself) by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the Salesrep field, and make a selection from the drop-down menu.
4. The default entry in the Type field is Retail Advertiser (R). To change this designation, click on the Search icon, and make a selection from the drop-down menu.
5. In the Name field, enter the client’s name. In the Abbr. field, an abbreviated version of the name will automatically appear. If the client is owned by a parent company, click on the Search icon and make a selection from the companies available in the database.
6. The default entry in the Lang. field is English (E), and should not be changed. Enter the street address, zip code, phone and fax numbers in their respective fields. The city, state, and country fields will automatically be filled once the zip code is entered.
7. Enter the first and last name of the contact individual in the Contact fields, and their email address in the E-Mail field.
8. Enter an industry that pertains to the Ad by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) field, and select an entry from the drop-down menu.
9. If the client has a website, you may enter it in the URL field.
10. Click on the Save icon to save the client profile information.
1. From the Function menu, select Display/Ads. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
2. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are placing the Ad, and then press <Enter>. If no match is found, expand your search parameters. If this is a new client, consult Entering a New Client.
3. Once a client is entered, or located, a window entitled Display Advertising will display the selected client’s information in the Client tab. Click on the New Ad button to begin the Ad entry.
4. A window entitled Select Insert Mode will appear, and present two choices:
• One Issue Only – click on this option if the Ad will only have one insertion.
• Insert New Order – click on this option if the Ad will run on multiple dates.
After selecting an option, click on OK.
5. If the Ad is being booked with multiple insertions (Insert New Order is selected), a window entitled Order Maintenance │ New Order will appear. If the One Issue Only option was selected, proceed to #10 .
6. If the Ad will run in only one publication, and you know its PBS Pub ID, you may enter this information in the blank field adjacent to Pub. Picker in the New Order screen, and press <Enter>. Otherwise, click on the Pub. Selection button to open the Publication Selection window.
7. In the Publication Selection window, select the desired publication(s) from the Publications list, then click on OK.
8. In the Publication Dates area, available calendar dates will be displayed in bold type. Click on the desired dates to select them individually, or select an entire week, month, or day of the week. To deselect a date, click on it again. When you are finished selecting the Ad’s publication dates, click on the Finish button to return to the Display Advertising screen.
9. In the Ad │ Order screen, the Client ID, Ad Status, and Ad Type fields will display default entries based on the client information and business rules. Of these, only the Ad Type may be changed. If the Ad Type is other than R (Regular), click on the adjacent Search icon, select the appropriate Ad Type, and click on OK.
10. Enter a publication in the Publication field by clicking on the adjacent Search icon, and making a selection from the drop-down menu. If a publication was previously selected in the Order Maintenance window, no changes may be entered in this field.
11. If not already selected in the Order Maintenance window, enter the run date for the Ad by typing it in the Date field, or click on the Calender icon and click on the desired date. Run date(s) may also be selected, or edited in the Ad │ Calendar tab.
12. If the Ad is being placed by an agency, enter the agency name in the Agency field.
13. Identify the individual selling the Ad by clicking on the Search icon adjacent to the Salesrep field, and make a selection from the drop-down menu.
14. You may enter the client’s brand being advertised in the Brand field if it is available from the drop-down menu upon clicking on the adjacent Search icon.
15. To enter an industry that pertains to the Ad, click on the Search icon adjacent to the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) field, and select an entry from the drop-down menu. This entry will generally default from the client setup, but may be changed.
16. Enter a tag line for the Ad order in the Caption field.
17. In the Request tab, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Product field, and select a product from the drop-down menu.
18. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Section field, and make a selection from the drop-down menu. If the Product selected is Classified Display (CLDP), then the entry in the Section field must be Classified Section (CLAS).
19. If CLDP and CLAS were selected in the Product and Section fields respectively, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Class field and select a classification from the drop-down menu. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
20. The Size field is generally left blank, and used only for specific ad formats, sig Ads, and billing purposes.
21. In the Column and Height fields, enter the Ad’s dimensions (e.g. a 3x5 Ad is entered as 3 columns by 5 inches).
22. If the Ad has color, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Color field and make a color selection. The default entry is black and white (BW).
23. If the Ad has a guaranteed position, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Guaranteed field and make a selection. This will make available the right-left (RL), front-back-center or first half (FBCH), Min/Max, and placement-on-page (POP) fields. Enter the guaranteed position parameters accordingly. Otherwise, if the guaranteed position is the default none (N), these fields will remain grayed-out.
24. Click on the Calculator icon to calculate the price of the Ad as it is currently entered.
25. If the Ad order is complete, and correct, click on the Save icon. If you wish to start over, click on the Undo icon.
2IS – 2 Issues: I Do
3IS – 3 Issues: The Best Years (TBY), Business Today
4IS – 4 Issues: She
6IS – 6 Issues: TBY, Business Today, Tipoff, Coupon Connection, Homes, SEM jr.
12IS – 12 Issues: TBY, Business Today, Tipoff, Coupon Connection, SEM jr.
13IS – 13 Issues: Homes
3CND – 3 Consecutive Days: SEM Classified Display Bulk and Frequency Contracts
NA4D – National 4 Consecutive Days (Sun-Wed): SEM $19.80
NA7D – National 7 Consecutive Days: SEM $9.52
NA30 – National 30 Consecutive Days: SEM $13.24
NASW – National Sunday & Wednesday: SEM $22.94
AGEN – Agency Open Rate: SEM $17.34(Daily), $22.26(Wed), $22.26(Sun)
AG4D – Agency 4 Consecutive Days (Sun-Wed): SEM $15.60
AG7D – Agency 7 Consecutive Days: SEM $10.70
AG30 – Agency 30 Consecutive Days: SEM $7.70
AGSW – Agency Sunday & Wednesday: SEM $22.94
7DR – 7 Day Rate: SEM Classified Display $9.50
14DR – 14 Day Rate: SEM Classified Display $9.00
21DR – 21 Day Rate: SEM Classified Display $8.40
30DR – 30 Day Rate: SEM Classified Display $7.20
4CWK – 4 Consecutive Weeks: SCS Local, Classified Display $4.20
6CWK – 6 Consecutive Weeks: DS Local Display $5.70
8CWK – 8 Consecutive Weeks:
• SCS Local, Classified Display $4.00
• BP Local, Classified Display $3.75
13CWK – 13 Consecutive Weeks:
• DS Local Display $5.19
• BP Local, Classified Display $3.55
26CWK – 26 Consecutive Weeks: DS Local Display $4.71
52CWK – 52 Consecutive Weeks:
• DS Local Display $4.29
• SCS Local, Classified Display $3.70
• BP Local, Classified Display $3.30
SW1 – Sunday/ Wednesday + 1: SEM Classified Display Bulk and Frequency Contracts
R – Regular Advertising
NP – Nonprofit Rate
CD – Church Directory: SEM Church Directory, $4.00
BOGO – DS Buy One Get One:
BPBR – BP Special Bulk Rate: Local and Classified Display, $3.19
COMM – Commemorative Ads: SEM $5.00
DSFP – DS Front Page
DSSD – DS Service Directory
SAP – BP School Activity Page
SD3 – SEM Service Directory 3 Month: SEM Classified Display $5.30
SD6 – SEM Service Directory 6 Month: SEM Classified Display $4.88
SD12 – SEM Service Directory 12 Month: SEM Classified Display $4.18
REAL – Realtor Rates:
• SEM Classified Display, $5.13
• Homes $50 ½ page, $90 full page
REBR – Real Estate Broker Rate: Homes $105 ½ page, $180 full page + $220 position
SHOW – Showcase Package:
• SEM Classified Display, $119 (2x3/3x4)
• Homes $80 full page
VSA7 – VIP Silver Additions 07: SEM $9.70(Daily), $16.10(Wed), $16.50(Sun)
VSA8 – VIP Silver Additions 08: SEM $10.15(Daily), $16.74(Wed), $17.16(Sun)
VGA7 – VIP Gold Additions 07: SEM $8.70(Daily), $15.52(Wed), $15.92(Sun)
VGA8 – VIP Gold Additions 08: SEM $9.05(Daily), $16.14(Wed), $16.56(Sun)
VPA7 – VIP Platinum Additions 07: SEM $8.50(Daily), $14.80(Wed), $15.18(Sun)
VPA8 – VIP Platinum Additions 08: SEM $8.80(Daily), $14.80(Wed), $15.18(Sun)
1. From the Software menu, select Display Advertising | Production | Export Ads to Layout System. A window entitled Ad List for Production will appear.
2. Under the Selection | Ads subtab, uncheck the All box adjacent to the Publication field, and click on the Search icon. Select the publication(s) you wish to publish, and then click the OK button.
3. In the Publication Date field, enter the issue date you wish to publish, or click on the Calendar icon to select this date.
4. Uncheck the All box adjacent to the Profit Center field, and click on the Search icon. Select the profit center(s) specific to your location, and then click the OK button.
5. Ensure that all the remaining All boxes are checked. Under the Salesrep Choice and SIC Choice headings, ensure that the Main(Ad) options are selected. The All box under the Creation/Update Date & Time heading must also be checked.
6. Under the Selection | Request & Misc. subtab, ensure that all the All boxes are checked. If you wish to restrict the types of ads that are sent to production, uncheck the All box adjacent to the Product field, click on the Search icon, and select, or exclude the appropriate products.
7. Under the Selection | Layout System subtab, ensure that the Export to Layout System box is checked. Under the Export Driver heading, select the Ad Placer option. Ensure that the Output Directory field displays the folder specific to your location (e.g. N:\AD IMPORTS\CP for Concord Publishing).
8. Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the <Alt + F2> keys.
9. Print the generated pdf document and use it as your ad manifest.
1. From the Functions menu, select Display / Ads. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
2. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are entering a contract, and then press <Enter>. If no match is found, expand your search parameters. If this is a new client, consult Entering a New Client.
3. Click on the Client | Contract subtab. In the Summary subtab, click on the Insert icon, or strike the <F12> key.
4. Under the Rate Method heading, select the Contract Type option.
5. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Contract Type field. Select the desired bulk rate contract from the menu, and then click on the OK button.
6. In the Description field, enter a description of the contract. For example, if the contract is for “Smith’s Supermarket” to receive 6500” of advertising in the Southeast Missourian at a daily rate of $12.75 per column-inch, the description could read: Smith’s SEM 6500” $12.75.
7. If the contract is through an advertising agency, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Agency field, and make the appropriate selection. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
8. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Manager field, and select the salesrep or sales manager that approved the contract. Then click on the OK button.
9. Any additional comments that pertain to the contract may be entered in the Note area.
10. In the Begin Date field, enter the date the contract goes into effect, or click on the adjacent Calendar icon and select this date.
11. Click on the button adjacent to the Period Id and Period fields. A window entitled Period will appear. Select the ANNUAL option, and then click on the OK button.
12. The End Date field entry will reflect the information entered in the previous fields, but may be overwritten if necessary.
13. Under the Contract Volume heading, click on the button adjacent to the Volume Id and Value fields. A window entitled Volume will appear. Select the appropriate contract volume and then click on the OK button.
14. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
1. From the Functions menu, select Display / Ads. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
2. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are entering a contract, and then press <Enter>. If no match is found, expand your search parameters. If this is a new client, consult Entering a New Client.
3. Click on the Client | Contract subtab. In the Summary subtab, click on the Insert icon, or strike the <F12> key.
4. Under the Rate Method heading, select the Contract Type option.
5. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Contract Type field. Select the desired frequency contract from the menu, and then click on the OK button.
6. In the Description field, enter a description of the contract. For example, if the contract is for “Smith’s Supermarket” to advertise 26 weeks in the Southeast Missourian at a rate of $9.50 per column-inch on Mondays and Wednesdays, the description could read: Smith’s SEM 26wk $9.50 MW.
7. If the contract is through an advertising agency, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Agency field, and make the appropriate selection. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
8. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Manager field, and select the salesrep or sales manager that approved the contract. Then click on the OK button.
9. Any additional comments that pertain to the contract may be entered in the Note area.
10. In the Begin Date field, enter the date the contract goes into effect, or click on the adjacent Calendar icon and select this date.
11. Click on the button adjacent to the Period Id and Period fields. A window entitled Period will appear. Select the appropriate contract duration and then click on the OK button.
12. The End Date field entry will reflect the information entered in the previous fields, but may be overwritten if necessary.
13. Under the Contract Volume heading, click on the button adjacent to the Volume Id and Value fields. A window entitled Volume will appear. Select the appropriate contract volume and then click on the OK button.
14. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
1. From the Functions menu, select Display / Ads. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
2. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are entering a contract, and then press <Enter>. If no match is found, expand your search parameters. If this is a new client, consult Entering a New Client.
3. Click on the Client | Contract subtab. In the Summary subtab, click on the Insert icon, or strike the <F12> key.
4. Under the Rate Method heading, select the Contract Type option.
5. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Contract Type field. Select the desired inserts contract from the menu, and then click on the OK button.
6. In the Description field, enter a description of the contract. For example, if the contract is for “Smith’s Supermarket” to run a 6 page, tabloid format insert for 30 weeks in the Southeast Missourian at a rate of $45.00 per 1000, the description could read: Smith’s SEM 6Tab, 30wk $45/1000.
7. If the contract is through an advertising agency, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Agency field, and make the appropriate selection. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
8. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Manager field, and select the salesrep or sales manager that approved the contract. Then click on the OK button.
9. Any additional comments that pertain to the contract may be entered in the Note area.
10. In the Begin Date field, enter the date the contract goes into effect, or click on the adjacent Calendar icon and select this date.
11. Click on the button adjacent to the Period Id and Period fields. A window entitled Period will appear. Select the appropriate contract duration and then click on the OK button. For inserts, this is generally an annual contract.
12. The End Date field entry will reflect the information entered in the previous fields, but may be overwritten if necessary.
13. Under the Contract Volume heading, click on the button adjacent to the Volume Id and Value fields. A window entitled Volume will appear. Select the appropriate contract volume and then click on the OK button.
14. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
1. From the Functions menu, select Display / Ads. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
2. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are entering a contract, and then press <Enter>. If no match is found, expand your search parameters. If this is a new client, consult Entering a New Client.
3. Click on the Client | Contract subtab. In the Summary subtab, click on the Insert icon, or strike the <F12> key.
4. Under the Rate Method heading, select the Flat Rate option.
5. Under the Rate Basis heading, select the Linage option.
6. In the Description field, enter a description of the contract. For example, if the contract is for “Smith’s Supermarket” to receive 13 weeks of advertising in the Southeast Missourian at a special rate of $8.75 per column-inch on Sunday and Wednesdays, the description could read: Smith’s SEM 13weeks SW $8.75.
7. If the contract is through an advertising agency, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Agency field, and make the appropriate selection. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
8. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Manager field, and select the salesrep or sales manager that approved the contract. Then click on the OK button.
9. Any additional comments that pertain to the contract may be entered in the Note area.
10. In the Begin Date field, enter the date the contract goes into effect, or click on the adjacent Calendar icon and select this date.
11. In the End Date field, enter the date the contract expires, or click on the adjacent Calendar icon and select this date.
12. Leave the Earned Rate field blank.
13. Leave Color Contract box unchecked.
14. Under the Contract Volume heading under Type, select the basis for the contract fulfillment. For example, if the contract specifies that the client will purchase $5000 in advertising over the duration of the contract, select the Dollars option and enter 5000 in the adjacent field.
15. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
16. Click on the Details subtab.
17. If the contract applies only to specific publication combinations, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Combo Type field. Select the appropriate combo, click on the OK button, and skip the next step. This option is seldom used, and in general, this field is left blank.
18. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Pub. Type field and select the publication that the contract applies to. Then click on the OK button.
19. If the contract applies only to a specific ad type (see Display Ad Types), click on the Search icon adjacent to the Ad Type field, select the ad type, and then click on the OK button. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
20. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Product field. Select the appropriate product, and then click on the OK button. This entry will generally be Local Display (LOCL).
21. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
22. Click on the Linage subtab.
23. If the contract specifies that the ad linage has limits (max. or min.), enter this range in the Linage From and To fields. For example, if the contract states that the ads must be no more than 20 column-inches, enter 20 in the To field (no entry is required in the From field unless there is a minimum size). If there are no ad size limits, simply click on the Red Up-Arrow button. If the contract applies only to ads of a predetermined size, leave these fields blank and proceed to the next step. Otherwise, skip to step 26.
24. Click on the button adjacent to the Page Size and Page Format fields. A window entitled Searching will appear. Select the page size/page format of the publication entered in the Pub. Type field. Then click on the OK button.
25. If the contract applies only to ads of a specific size, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Ad Size field. Select the appropriate ad size, and then click on the OK button. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
26. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
27. Click on the Basic Rate subtab.
28. Under the Basic Rates heading, in the Begin Date field, enter the date the contract goes into effect, or click on the adjacent Calendar icon and select this date.
29. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Day of Week field. If the contract applies only to ads run on a specific day of the week, select this day from the list. Otherwise, select Not Applicable (NA). Then click on the OK button.
30. Leave the Day Type field blank.
31. If the contract is for classified display ads (Product field entry is CLDP), and only applies to ads of a specific classification type (e.g. AUTO), click on the Search icon adjacent to the Class Type field, and make the appropriate selection. Then click on the OK button. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
32. If the contract specifies that the ads may only appear in a specific section of the publication, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Section field, and make the appropriate selection. Then click on the OK button. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
33. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Rate field. Select the Ad Space (AD) option, and then click on the OK button.
34. Under the Rate heading, enter the contract rate in the Price field. If this rate is per column-inch, as is generally the case, check the adjacent, Per Unit box. Otherwise, the charge for the ad will be whatever amount is entered in the Price field. If an entry was made in the Ad Size field (step 25), then enter the total price for the ad in the Price field, and leave the Per Unit box unchecked.
35. If there are minimum or maximum charges for the ad, enter these values in the Min./Max.$ fields. Note: these fields are generally used to set limits on color charges.
36. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
37. If the contract specifies rates for color, or if color is included in the rate, then click on the Insert or Insert Copy icon, and repeat steps 28-36 with a color option selected in the Option field. If color is included in the ad space rate, the entry in the Price field will be 0.00 for the color option.
1. From the Functions menu, select Display / Ads. A window entitled Search Engine will appear.
2. In the Search Engine window, enter the information that pertains to the client for which you are entering a contract, and then press <Enter>. If no match is found, expand your search parameters. If this is a new client, consult Entering a New Client.
3. Click on the Client | Contract subtab. In the Summary subtab, click on the Insert icon, or strike the <F12> key.
4. Under the Rate Method heading, select the Flat Rate option.
5. Under the Rate Basis heading, select the Insert option.
6. In the Description field, enter a description of the contract. For example, if the contract is for “Smith’s Supermarket” to run a 6 page, tabloid format insert for 30 weeks in the Southeast Missourian at a rate of $45.00 per 1000, the description could read: Smith’s SEM 6Tab, 30wk $45/1000.
7. If the contract is through an advertising agency, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Agency field, and make the appropriate selection. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
8. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Manager field, and select the salesrep or sales manager that approved the contract. Then click on the OK button.
9. Any additional comments that pertain to the contract may be entered in the Note area.
10. In the Begin Date field, enter the date the contract goes into effect, or click on the adjacent Calendar icon and select this date.
11. In the End Date field, enter the date the contract expires, or click on the adjacent Calendar icon and select this date.
12. Leave the Earned Rate field blank.
13. Leave the Color Contract box unchecked.
14. Under the Contract Volume heading under Type, select the basis for the contract fulfillment. For example, if the contract specifies that the client will run inserts 30 times during the contract duration, select the Frequency option and enter 30 in the adjacent field.
15. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
16. Click on the Details subtab.
17. If the contract applies only to specific publication combinations, click on the Search icon adjacent to the Combo Type field. Select the appropriate combo, click on the OK button, and skip the next step. This option is seldom used, and this field is generally left blank.
18. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Pub. Type field and select the publication that the contract applies to. Then click on the OK button.
19. Leave the Ad Type field blank.
20. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Product field. Select the appropriate insert product, and then click on the OK button. This entry will generally be Inserts (INSE).
21. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
22. Click on the Linage subtab.
23. In the Units From and To fields, enter the range of units for which a specific rate applies. Note: multiple entries may be made in the Insert tab. This enables different rates for different ranges of units to be entered. Each entry must be tied to its own basic rate.
24. Click on the button adjacent to the Page Size and Page Format fields. A window entitled Searching will appear. Select the page size/page format of the inserts. Then click on the OK button.
25. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Ad Size field. Select the appropriate insert size, based on the number of pages, and then click on the OK button.
26. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
27. Click on the Basic Rate subtab.
28. Under the Basic Rates heading, in the Begin Date field, enter the date the contract goes into effect, or click on the adjacent Calendar icon and select this date.
29. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Day of Week field. If the contract applies only to inserts run on a specific day of the week, select this day from the list. Otherwise, select Not Applicable (NA). Then click on the OK button.
30. Leave the Day Type, Class. Type, and Section fields blank.
31. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Rate field. Select the Ad Space (AD) option, and then click on the OK button.
32. Under the Rate (per Thousands) heading, enter the contract rate in the Price field. If this rate is per thousand inserts, as is generally the case, check the adjacent, Per Unit box. Otherwise, the charge for the inserts, irrespective of the volume, will be whatever amount is entered in the Price field.
33. If there are minimum or maximum charges for the insert order, enter these values in the Min./Max.$ fields.
34. Click on the Save icon, or strike the <F2> key.
Certain reports and functions have many fields, and options, which typically have the same settings each time they are run. In this situation, it is usually easier to save these settings, and make minor adjustments as required.
Setting Up a Saved Set
1. From the Software menu, select Accounts Receivable | Reports, and choose the report or function for which you wish to create the saved set. Note: Saved sets may also be created for other menu options, such as production functions; the procedure is the same.
2. Follow the Knowledge Book instructions which pertain to the report or function to be saved (i.e. enter information into the fields and select the appropriate options).
3. Click on the Save Request icon, or strike the <Alt + F8> keys. A window entitled Save Request will appear.
4. In the Description field, enter the name of your saved set (e.g. Delta North Monthly Aging Report).
5. If other users are to have access to this saved set, check the box entitled Public. Otherwise, only you will have access to this saved set.
6. Click on the OK button to save the settings.
Accessing a Saved Set
1. Select the report or function as you normally would.
2. Click on the Load Request icon, or strike the <Alt + F7> keys. A window entitled Load Request will appear.
3. Select the Request Type (generally Public), and choose the saved set you wish to run.
4. Make any necessary modifications to the set, such as changing the date, and run the request as you normally would.
5. Changes to the set may be saved by clicking on the Save Request icon, or striking the <Alt + F8> keys, clicking on the Edit button, and then clicking on the OK button.
1. From the Software menu, select Display Advertising | Production | Export Ads to Layout System. A window entitled Ad List for Production will appear.
2. Follow the steps for Exporting Ads for Production.
3. Under the Selection | Layout System subtab, ensure that the Export to Layout System box is not checked.
4. Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the <Alt + F2> keys.
5. Print the generated pdf document.
1. From the Software menu, select Display Advertising | Reports | Sales Summary. A window entitled Sales Summary will appear.
2. Under the Publication heading, uncheck the All box, and click on the adjacent Search icon. A window entitled Publication will appear.
3. Under the Enter Selection heading, enter the publication(s) to be included in the report. Then click on the OK button.
4. Under the Date heading, enter the range of dates for the report, or click on the Calendar icons to select these dates.
5. Under the Salesrep heading, uncheck the All box, and click on the adjacent Search icon. A window entitled Searching Sales Rep will appear.
6. Under the Enter Selection heading, enter the salesrep(s) to be included in the report. Then click on the OK button.
7. Under the Salesrep Choice heading, ensure that the Main(Ad) option is selected.
8. Under the Profit Center heading, uncheck the All box and click on the Search icon adjacent to the field. Select the profit center specific to your location, and then click on the OK button.
9. Under the SIC heading, ensure that the All box is checked, and that the Main(Ad) option is selected.
10. Under the Ads Selected heading, ensure that the Both option is selected for all categories. If the report is to exclude inserts, select the Linage option under the (Display Only) subheading.
11. Ensure that all the remaining All boxes are checked.
12. Click on the Request & Misc. tab. Ensure that all the All boxes are checked unless you wish to refine the report based on the available criteria.
13. Under the Miscellaneous heading, ensure that only the Print Summary, Print Selection Criteria, and Preview options are selected.
14. Under the Ads Selected heading, select the type of advertising you wish to include in the report.
15. Under the Print Options heading, select the Both option.
16. Under the Quantity heading, select the Units option.
17. Under the Linage heading, ensure that the Convert Linage box is unchecked.
18. Under the Comparison Options heading, ensure that the Last Year Comparison box is unchecked unless you wish to include this in the report.
19. Click on the Sort tab. Under the Sorting heading, arrange the list by dragging and dropping the criteria in this order: (1) Client, (2) Salesrep, (3) Publication Date, (4) Publication. The remaining criteria do not need to be arranged.
20. Under the Breaking heading, check the Client and Total Sales Sort boxes.
21. Under the Clients sorted by heading, select the Name option.
22. If multiple salesreps are included in the report, select either the Name or Number option under the Salesreps sorted by heading according to your preference.
23. Under the Total Sales Sort heading, select the Descending option.
24. Click on the Start Process icon, or strike the <Alt + F2> keys. You may print the generated report by clicking on the Printer icon.
Advertising - Circulation Integration
As of Monday 04/27/09, the advertising and circulation databases will be linked through an application entitled Household Management. In practical terms, this translates to PBS Advertising users having access to all clients in the circulation database. Furthermore, this integration enables classified salesreps to directly offer and start promotional subscriptions during the ad entry process. Promo subscriptions and subscriber advertising discounts will be specific to, and determined by the individual profit sites.
PBS Advertising users need to be aware that certain functions routinely employed during the ad entry process, will now exhibit new features. These features are described below.
Integrated Search Results
1. When looking up a client in the Search Engine, unless a specific match is found, a list of clients that match the search criteria will no longer appear at the bottom of the window. Instead, a separate window entitled Integrated Search Results will appear, and display the search results. Each entry will display a Source, which describes the origin of the client information. If a client is entered in more than one database, their information will appear as multiple entries along with a corresponding Source. The Source types are as follows:
• MediaPlus – advertising client
• Subscriber – circulation client with an active subscription
• CM/HM – non-subscribing client in the circulation database
2. For PBS Advertising system users, select the appropriate MediaPlus client and continue with the ad entry process. However, if the client only appears as a Subscriber or CM/HM entry, they are not currently in the advertising database. Instead of entering them as a new client, simply select one of these entries, and save it as a new client profile.
Subscriber Status
A button that describes the client’s subscriber status will be displayed at the upper right-hand corner of both the Client and Ad tabs in the Classified Ads module. The possible statuses are as follows:
• Subscriber – client has an active subscription
• Multi-Subscriber – client has multiple active subscriptions
• Resident Subscriber – client is not a subscriber, but another occupant at that address has a subscription
• Former Subscriber – client previously had a subscription that is now stopped
• Non-Subscriber – no occupant at the address is a subscriber
• Not Integrated – client address has not been integrated with circulation
• Unshared Client – the Share Address flag is unchecked for the client
• Not Started – a start has been entered for the client, but the subscription has not yet started
Subscriber, Multi-subscriber, Resident Subscriber, and Former Subscriber
Clicking on the Subscriber Status button will open a window entitled Subscriptions, which will list all active and inactive subscriptions associated with the client profile information. For example, if a former subscriber once resided at the currently selected client’s address, both the former subscriber’s and the current client’s subscription information will be displayed.
Non-Subscriber, Unshared Client, and Not Started
The Subscriber Status button is inactive for these categories.
Not Integrated Clients
1. Click on the Not Integrated button. A window entitled Postalsoft or Client Name will appear. In the latter case, simply click OK to proceed to the Postalsoft window. Parsing the name is optional, but should only be done for individuals, not businesses.
2. Click on the OK button. A window entitled Household Management Occupation Integration will appear, and offer four choices:
• Use Selected Match – click this button to change the Advertising client name to the highlighted Circulation client
• Update HM – click on this button to update the selected Circulation client record to the Advertising client’s name and telephone number
• Create New in HM – click on this button to create a new Circulation client
• Cancel
Starting a Promotional Subscription
If a profit site offers a promotional subscription to its classified advertisers, this information will appear in a window entitled Subscription Promo upon saving the ad, and after the ad proof is generated. Currently, only clients having Non-Subscriber status are eligible. The Promo Text will display sample verbiage for the classified salerep to use in making the offer, as well as the subscription terms. The salesrep may then choose from the following options:
• Click on the Process button – this will create the subscription start in the circulation system.
• Click on the Busy button (currently not used) – if the salesrep does not have time to go through the subscription offer, this will create a circulation task. Circulation may then call the client at a later time to offer the promo subscription.
• Click on the Cancel button – no further action is taken in regards to the promo subscription offer.
Applying Classified Advertising Discounts for Subscribers
If a profit site offers a discount to classified advertisers that are also subscribers, indicated by the Subscriber Status in the Classified Advertising Client and Ad screens, use the following procedure to enter the discount.
1. After composing the ad and calculating its price, click on the Ad | Price tab.
2. Under the Add Surch./Disc. heading (lower-right corner of the screen), click on the button entitled Global. A window entitled Add Surcharges / Discounts will appear.
3. Select the Discounts option.
4. Click on the Search icon adjacent to the Extra Type field, and select Subscriber Discount (SUBS).
5. If your profit site offers a percentage discount, enter it in the Percentage field and click on the OK button. If the discount is a flat amount, enter it in the Flat Fee field and click on the OK button.
Note: If a Non-Subscriber agrees to the promotional subscription offer, and the classified salesrep processes the start, the salesrep may then add the discount and resave the ad.
Address Management
In the advertising-circulation integration environment, client information entered in the advertising database may be updated in circulation if the address is shared. This function is accessible through the Classified, Display, and Accounts Receivable Client screen. Click on the button entitled Address Mgmt, located in the Detail tab of the Client screen, and a window entitled Household Management will open. By default, the Share Address and Cleanse Address options will be selected.
• Share Address – enables the advertising system to share information with the circulation system. Deselecting this option will disable this function, and result in the client’s Subscription Status to read Unshared Client. This is generally not recommended.
• Cleanse Address – enables Household Management to edit the client’s address so that it adheres to postal standards. Do not deselect this option without permission from the circulation database manager.
• Cleanse Later – do not select this option.